SPIRIT Enrichment Center: Postural Therapy

Join the SPIRIT Initiative and Postural Therapist, Joey Zimet for fun, an engaging five-week course designed to improve your posture, movement, and long-term health. You will experience physical and emotional benefits while gaining tools to breathe, balance, and function more optimally. To learn more about what you’ll gain from the class, you can visit Joey’s website: www.AligningIntoHealth.com

An attendee of a recent class had the following feedback:
“Incredible the positive impact of what you do – breathe more deeply and easily, lighten step, open up tension, realign. Great work, Joey!”

This program has benefitted many individuals, including Broadway Actors (Hamilton), the Streiker Center (230+ participants), Columbia University, Columbia University Post-Doctoral Society, Wellesley College Alumni Association, Sunshine Sachs, WeWork, and more.

Please complete the form below to register for the course:

The 5-session course takes place on Mondays, beginning November 4th, at 11 AM EST — the tuition cost is $125.
Each session will be recorded and the recording will be sent to all registrants following the session so there is no concern if the time doesn’t work for you, you need to miss a session, or you want to review what you learned!  

SPIRIT Enrichment Center: Postural Therapy (11-2024)
