About the Orthodox Union

The Orthodox Union (OU) is one of the largest Orthodox Jewish organizations in the United States. Founded in 1898, the OU supports a network of synagogues, youth programs, Jewish and Religious Zionist advocacy programs, programs for the disabled, localized religious study programs, and international units with locations in Israel and formerly in Ukraine. The OU maintains a kosher certification service, whose circled-U hechsher symbol, is found on the labels of many kosher commercial and consumer food products. Check our Impact Report

Our Programs

NCSY is proud to play an important and trusted role in the lives of thousands of Jewish teens each year. Immersive learning and social programs connect teens with their Jewish identity and foster self-confidence.

NCSY logo

Yachad, an international organization, is dedicated to enhancing the life opportunities of Jewish individuals with disabilities.

Yachad logo

OU Kosher combines expertise in halacha with an understanding of modern food production to ensure that kosher food meets the highest quality kashrut supervision.

OU Kosher logo
OU Kosher

Teach Coalition secures government funding for Jewish day schools and yeshivot.

Teach Coalition logo
Teach Coalition

Since 1979, OU Israel has been making a difference in Israel, touching the lives of children and adults, immigrants and native Israelis, visitors and residents, and soldiers and civilians.

OU Israel logo
OU Israel

The OU Women’s Initiative works with Orthodox communities worldwide to identify and address women’s spiritual, educational, and communal needs.

Women’s Initiative logo
Women’s Initiative

Torah Initiatives comprises a broad array of innovative and impactful Torah programming.

Torah Initiatives logo
Torah Initiatives

The OU Advocacy Center is the nonpartisan public policy arm of the OU that advocates on behalf of the Orthodox community nationwide.

OU Advocacy Center logo
OU Advocacy Center
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OU Impact Report 2024/5785

OU Lay Leadership – National Officers


Mitchel R. Aeder

Past Presidents

Mark (Moishe) Bane
Julius Berman
Harvey Blitz
Dr. Bernard Drachman*
Julius H. Dukas*
Moses I. Feuerstein*
Mandell I. Ganchrow, MD
Rabbi Dr. Herbert S. Goldstein*
William B. Herlands*
Harold M. Jacobs*
Rabbi Joseph Karasick*
Dr. Simcha Katz
Professor Sidney Kwestel
Martin Nachimson
Dr. Samuel Nirenstein*
Dr. Henry Pereira Mendes*
Sheldon Rudoff*
Stephen J. Savitsky
Charles H. Shapiro*

Chairman, Board of Directors

Yehuda Neuberger

Vice Chairman, Board of Directors

Morris Smith

Chairman, Board of Governors

Henry Orlinsky

Vice Chairman, Board of Governors

Jerry Wolasky

Honorary Chairman of the Board of Directors

Howard Tzvi Friedman

Honorary Vice Chairmen, Board of Directors

Gary Torgow
Morry Weiss

Honorary Chairmen, Board of Governors

Elliott Gibber
Lee C. Samson

Honorary Vice Chairmen, Board of Governors

Emanuel J. Adler

Senior Vice Presidents

Lauri Barbanel
Etta Brandman Klaristenfeld
Shukie Grossman
Rena Kwestel
Manette Mayberg
Menachem Schnaidman

National Vice Presidents

Ezra Friedberg
Chaya Tova Hartman
Dr. Allan Jacob
Esti Kaminetzky
Laizer Kornwasser
Eli Levitin
Chuck Mamiye
Azi Mandel
Elliott Mandelbaum
Raphael Nissel
Moshe Sassover
Mark Silber

Associate Vice Presidents

David Gerstley
Josh Kuhl
Joel Mael
David Safier
Effie Zisblatt

Honorary Vice Presidents

Fred Ehrman
Dr. Michael Elman
Allen Fagin
Yitzchak Fund
Barbara Lehmann Siegel
Dr. David Luchins
Avery E. Neumark
Isabelle Novak
Henry I. Rothman
Gerald Schreck
Esther Williams
Michael Wimpfheimer


Avi Katz


Zevy Wolman


Ari Adlerstein
Natan Bane
Ahuva Basch
Aliza Bixon
Zev Blumenfrucht
Bluma Broner
Deborah Chames Cohen
Jeff Cohen
Jeff Eisenberg
Yechiel Eisenstadt
Josh Goldberg
Stacey Goldman
Miriam Greenspan
Stuart Hershkowitz
George Karasick
Daniel Lowy
Vivian Luchins
Morris Massel
Eitan Milgram
Cal Nathan
Dr. Joshua Penn
Yakov Polatsek
Yitzie Pretter
Dr. Rachel Rabinovitch
Nomi Rotblat
Dr. Roz Sherman
Jeffery Silver
Benzion Zlotnick

Board of Governors

Leon Achar
Max Berlin
Marvin Bienenfeld
Stuart Cantor
Daniel Chill
Dr. Ben Chouake
Pace Cooper
Shirley Feuerstein
Debra Hartman
Yosi Heber
Stanley Hillelsohn
Lance Hirt
Dr. David Hurwitz
Melanie Renchner Kaminetsky
Ira Kellman
Jonah Kupietzky
Albert Laboz
Deborah Schick Laufer
Jeffrey Lefkovits
Morey Levovitz
Mrs. Joseph K. Miller
Rabbi Michael Miller
Irwin Nachimson
David Novak
Terry Novetsky
Steven Orlow
Adam Parkoff
Dr. Harry Peled
Allen Pfeiffer
Paul Pinkus
Barry Ray
Dr. Howard Rosenthal
Rebecca Samson
Zvi Sand
Marsha Strazynski
Gary Weiss
Howard Wengrow
Joyce Werthheimer
Harvey Wolinetz
David Woolf
* Deceased