Daily Program Schedule

Here is a list of programming for the week of April 26, 2020. 


1:00 PM Eastern 10:00 AM Pacific
The OU’s Daily Tehillim Call:
Connect with Jews across the world for daily Tehillim and Inspiration
Call 773.377.9170. Click here to learn more!


1:00 PM Eastern 10:00 AM Pacific
The OU’s Daily Tehillim Call:
Connect with Jews across the world for daily Tehillim and Inspiration
Call 773.377.9170. Click here to learn more!

1:30 PM Eastern, 10:30 AM Pacific
Daily Dvar: Prophets
Join the OU’s Daily Dvar as they explore an Intro to Melachim I with Rabbanit Shani Taragin in conjunction with the Torah Imecha program. 

Shani is the educational director of Matan Eshkolot – Tanach  Teachers’ Education Program, and a highly sought-after lecturer  throughout Israel and North America.

8:00 PM Eastern, 5:00 PM Pacific
Grief, the Omer and Corona: Thoughts and Suggestions
Join the OU in their launch of the series ‘Calm Amid Corona: A Mental Health Series”. Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb, executive vice president, emeritus, of the Orthodox Union, combines his background and skills as a trained clinical psychologist, accomplished scholar, and pulpit rabbi, to provide extraordinary leadership and insight.


1:00 PM Eastern 10:00 AM Pacific
The OU’s Daily Tehillim Call:
Connect with Jews across the world for daily Tehillim and Inspiration
Call 773.377.9170. Click here to learn more!

1:30 PM Eastern, 10:30 AM Pacific
Daily Dvar: Prayer
Join the OU’s Daily Dvar as they explore ‘Building a Space for Prayer’ with Rachel Kraus.

Rachel Kraus is a Marketing and Business Strategy Executive and most recently led the World Trade Center Retail Development. Rachel is also  the director of Community Education at Kehilath Jeshurun, a Modern  Orthodox synagogue on the Upper East Side of New York.


1:00 PM Eastern 10:00 AM Pacific
The OU’s Daily Tehillim Call:
Connect with Jews across the world for daily Tehillim and Inspiration
Call 773.377.9170. Click here to learn more!

1:30 PM Eastern, 10:30 AM Pacific
Daily Dvar: Pirkei Avot
Join the OU’s Daily Dvar as they explore ‘Introduction to Pirkei Avot: Exploring Ancient Wisdom Through Modern Eyes’ with Rabbi Dovid Zirkind. 

Rabbi Zirkind is the senior rabbi of the Riverdale Jewish Center.


1:00 PM Eastern 10:00 AM Pacific
The OU’s Daily Tehillim Call:
Connect with Jews across the world for daily Tehillim and Inspiration
Call 773.377.9170. Click here to learn more!

1:30 PM Eastern, 10:30 AM Pacific
Daily Dvar: Parsha
Join the OU’s Daily Dvar as they explore ‘Acharei Mot-Kedoshim: Spiritual Growth from Everyone and Everywhere’ with Rabbi Yonah Gross.

Rabbi Yonah Gross is the Rabbi of Congregation Beth Hamedrosh in Wynnewood, PA. He also serves as kashrus administrator  of Community Kashrus of Greater Philadelphia (Keystone-K)  and is the founder of Mezuzah and More.

8:00 PM Eastern, 5:00 PM Pacific
The Ideal Coronavirus Diet: Eating to Optimize Your Immune System and Maintain Overall Health During Prolonged Isolation and Home Confinement
In the second episode of ‘Calm Amid Corona: OU Mental Health Series’, hear from Eli Glaser, CNWC, CWMS who is the founder and director of Soveya. He is a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant and Weight Management Specialist, an ordained rabbi, and an internationally acclaimed motivational speaker and author, who shares his own compelling story of struggle and success to help thousands of others. His book, “Enough is Enough”, was released in 2019 and is widely available.


1:00 PM Eastern 10:00 AM Pacific
The OU’s Daily Tehillim Call:
Connect with Jews across the world for daily Tehillim and Inspiration
Call 773.377.9170. Click here to learn more!

Click here to view the archive of all past OU Today events.