This Purim, which begins Wednesday night, March 4, Yachad will once again be offering its PowerPoint presentation free of charge to synagogues and organizations interested in promoting Inclusion for all who wish to be part of the mitzvah of listening to Megillat Esther. The presentation is directed at the deaf and hard of hearing, the visually impaired, and children with focusing and attention challenges and other disabilities.
Now in its eighth year, the PowerPoint presentation uses visual aids to indicate when to stamp out the name of Haman. Already, more than 600 synagogues have signed up for the program, as well as the Orthodox Union’s Seif Jewish Learning Initiative program on 21 university campuses across North America.
Yachad provides unique social, educational and recreational programs for individuals with learning, developmental and physical disabilities with the goal of their Inclusion in the total life of the Jewish community.
Says Batya Jacob, Director of Educational Support Services of Yachad, “As we are finishing the month of February, Yachad’s North American Inclusion Month (NAIM), we should be focusing on continuing to include all members of our community regardless of their abilities or disabilities. The Megillat Esther PowerPoint program allows synagogues to open their doors to every person who would like to be part of the joyous community celebration of Purim.”
Mrs. Jacob said that this year’s presentation includes enhanced animated graphics, making the megillah reading even more interactive and visually appealing.
Click here to view the trailer of the Purim PowerPoint presentation.
To receive your copy of the Purim PowerPoint Presentation disc or for further information, call 212-613-8376 or email