Yachad and its affiliate the Jewish Union Foundation (JUF) will inaugurate a weekly adult day program in Great Neck for young adults with disabilities, beginning Monday, January 5, 2015 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Beth Hadassah Synagogue, 160 Steamboat Road.
Yachad, the flagship agency of the Orthodox Union’s National Jewish Council for Disabilities (NJCD), provides unique social, educational and recreational programs for individuals with learning, developmental and physical disabilities with the goal of their Inclusion in the total life of the Jewish community.
Yachad and JUF’s Great Neck program aims to help individuals with special needs reach their full potential through emphasizing social skills development, life skills training and vocational preparation to develop independence and transition to jobs within the community and beyond.
Michael Appelbaum, JUF’s program director, explained, “This is the one of the first Jewish programs of its kind for individuals with special needs on Long Island. The program will be meeting every Monday with the anticipation of extending to more days during the week evolving into a full time program.”
Rabbi Yamin Levy of Beth Hadassah Synagogue said, “Our synagogue and community are excited to welcome Yachad to Great Neck. Our resources will be readily available for the special needs community, addressing their necessities and essential needs on the highest level. Families and individuals are encouraged to attend.”
For more information contact Michael Appelbaum, program director for JUF, at 212.613.8284 or appelbaum@ou.org.