Save the Date: Senator Joe Lieberman on US Support for Israel, Sat. Night 2/6 in Fleetwood, NY

21 Jan 2016

Circle this date on your calendar: Saturday night, February 6 at 7:30  p.m. when former Connecticut Senator Joseph I. Lieberman will discuss “American Support for Israel – Fading, Firm, or Flourishing: Has the Historically Deep American Commitment to Israel Begun to Fray?” The discussion will contemplate the erosion of support for Israel and how American Jews should respond.

This 13th annual Charles Sidlow Memorial Scholar-in-Residence program will be held at Fleetwood Synagogue at 11 East Broad Street, Mount Vernon. The event will be moderated by Allen I. Fagin, Executive Vice President of the Orthodox Union.

According to Rabbi Gedalyah Berger of the Fleetwood Synagogue, Senator Lieberman will consider issues such as, “Has the historically deep commitment to Zionism in the United States begun to fray?” “Are there in fact growing divisions over support for Israel, within segments of American society?”

Rabbi Berger declared, “Fleetwood Synagogue invites residents of the community and from throughout the Metropolitan area to an evening of conversation with Senator Lieberman, whose outlook, experience, and expertise provide an informed perspective of unmatched depth on this critical question.”

Because of the anticipated size of the audience, pre-registration at is strongly recommended. For further information, visit