Rabbi Adir Posy, assistant director of the Los Angeles-based West Coast Region of the Orthodox Union, which covers the West Coast of the United States up to Denver and Canada as well, will serve as Scholar-in-Residence at East Denver Orthodox Synagogue (EDOS) on May 10-11, Parshat Bemidbar.
The OU member synagogue is located at 198 South Holly Street.
Rabbi Posy will speak on Friday night, discussing, “What Does it Mean to ‘Belong’ to a Shul?” At 8:30 a.m., he will lead a discussion on “The Halachic Background of the Los Angeles Kosher Meat Scandal.” Rabbi Posy will give the morning drasha on, “Tennyson, Rav Chaim of Brisk and Groucho Marx.” Following a kiddish at the synagogue, Rabbi Posy will address “What Really Happened at Matan Torah.”
As the day moves on, Rabbi Posy will give a presentation at 6:35 p.m. on “Kabbalat HaTorah — The Connection Between Chumrah and Frumkeit.” He will finish the day by speaking at the seudah shlishit on “Birchat HaTorah — The Blessing of Torah and The Torah of Blessing.”
Based in the OU Los Angeles office, Rabbi Posy acts as a resource to shuls on the West Coast and around the country, maintaining close ties with them. He additionally serves as the associate rabbi at Beth Jacob Congregation in Beverly Hills.
Rabbi Posy’s visit to EDOS serves as a follow up to recent visits by Rabbi Alan Kalinisky, OU West Coast director. In January, Rabbi Kalinsky flew in alongside Rabbi Judah Isaacs, OU director of community engagement, to meet with the EDOS board to help align strategic vision and missions for the future of the synagogue. There were also ideas presented on how the Orthodox Union could strengthen its ties with the EDOS community and to help build a stronger Denver Jewish community together. Rabbi Kalinsky returned in February to serve as Scholar-in-Residence for Shabbat at the shul.
“We are most excited to have Rabbi Adir Posy as Scholar-in-Residence in Denver,” welcomed EDOS President Moshe Levi. “After our interactions with Rabbi Kalinsky and Rabbi Isaacs over the last couple of months, I am sure that it will be an exciting weekend for the entire EDOS and Denver Jewish Community.”
“Rabbi Posy’s knowledge and ability to relate to all around him is something that every community across America should take advantage of,” said Shlomo Fried, gabbai of EDOS. “Rabbi Posy has received numerous awards for his leadership and impact on the Jewish community. We are very excited to have an individual with a vision for the Denver Jewish Community and for all of Klal Yisrael. We are looking forward to this opportunity from which we are certain we will gain tremendously.”
Mr. Fried recently represented the EDOS at the OU’s Community and Job Relocation Fair in Manhattan, urging New Yorkers to relocate to his community.
For more information on Rabbi Posy’s visit, contact EDOS at 303-322-7943 or response@EDOSdenver.org.
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