“All of Israel has a share in the World to Come…”
Why do we recite these words before the study of Pirkei Avos (Ethics of the Fathers) every Shabbat afternoon during the weeks between Pesach and Rosh Hashanah? Discover the answer and gain a whole new perspective on Pirkei Avos by checking out OU Torah’s newly-launched ongoing audio series, Rabbi Moshe Elefant on Pirkei Avos.
Rabbi Elefant, chief operating officer of OU Kosher, will weekly address some of the most basic and fundamental principles in Judaism as he enlightens listeners to deeper meanings and hidden truths.
“Pirkei Avos represents the underpinnings of the moral and ethical behavior of every Jew,” explained Rabbi Elefant. “With the growing success and interest in the shiurim we have online at OU Torah, we felt that it would be most appropriate to offer our audience a new series in addition to OU Torah’s roster. We try to tailor the shiur so that all listeners from various backgrounds can appreciate it.”
Check OU Torah or use the OU Torah app each week for the latest shiurim in the series.
Want to hear more shiurim by Rabbi Elefant? He also hosts the OU Torah series on Daf Yomi, a daily learning schedule of a page (daf) of Talmud a day; as well as OU Torah’s Gemara series Daf Sugya.