
Rocky Mountain High: ASK OU Kosher Skype Program Comes...
After a successful ten-part series directed to a kollel in Melbourne, Australia, and another program to Norfolk, Virginia for school children, OU Kosher’s Harry H. Beren ASK OU Skype program
Oct 31, 2014
By OU Staff
Jewish Day Schools and Yeshivas Voice Concerns about UPK...
Representatives of more than 30 New York City Jewish day schools and yeshivas convened this week at a community forum sponsored by OU Advocacy-Teach NYS to voice their frustrations over
Oct 31, 2014
By OU Staff
Yachad to Participate in Generosity Series 5k Walk/Run, ...
Have you ever dreamed of running in a marathon but just never had the time or energy to commit to huffing and puffing for 26.2 miles? Don’t sweat it! Participate
Oct 31, 2014
By OU Staff
OU Advocacy’s Jake Adler to NY City Council Education...
In his testimony before the New York City Council Education Committee and the Subcommittee on Non-Public Schools, Jake Adler, OU Advocacy’s New York City Director of Political Affairs, urged the
Oct 29, 2014
By OU Staff
Crisis Center for Religious Women & OU Israel Sponsor...
Debbie Gross, Director of the Crisis Center for Religious Women in Jerusalem, conducted Post Trauma Intervention Workshops last summer during Operation Protective Edge. The workshops were sponsored by OU Israel.
Oct 28, 2014
By Zvi Volk
OU Chairman Stephen Savitsky to Speak in West Hempstead...
Orthodox Union Chairman of the Board Stephen J. Savitsky will be guest speaker at the Young Israel of West Hempstead and Congregation Etz Chaim from Friday, October 31 to Saturday,
Oct 28, 2014
By OU Staff
Tova Sklar of Bergenfield Named NCSY’s International Teen President
Tova Sklar of Bergenfield’s first experience with NCSY was on a relief mission to New Orleans with New Jersey NCSY director Rabbi Ethan Katz. Dubbed the “disaster rabbi” by local
Oct 27, 2014
By OU Staff
OU Condemns Hamas, Islamic Jihad, & Senior PA Advisor’s...
Today, the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America, the nation’s largest Orthodox Jewish umbrella organization, condemned the praise showered on the perpetrator of yesterday’s terrorist attack in Jerusalem by
Oct 23, 2014
By OU Staff
Yachad’s “Supporting Diverse Learners in the Classroom” Conference in...
The International Jewish Resource Center for Inclusion and Special Education, a division of Yachad/NJCD, will present “Supporting All Diverse Learners in the Classroom” on Tuesday, October 28 from 8 a.m.
Oct 23, 2014
By OU Staff
Orthodox Union Statement on the Election of the New...
The Orthodox Union offers words of congratulations and encouragement to Rabbi Aryeh Stern and Rabbi Shlomo Amar on their election to the position of Chief Ashkenazic and Chief Sephardic Rabbis of Jerusalem.
Oct 22, 2014
By OU Staff

Recent Articles

Message From Rabbi Moshe Hauer on the Assassination of Nasrallah and Jewish Unity
28 Sep
Kosher Concession Stand Run by Orthodox Union’s Yachad Attracts Hundreds of Sports Fans
18 Sep
OU Kosher Summer Education Program Explores Daily Applications of Kashrus in Depth
11 Sep
Statement on the Deaths of Hostages
01 Sep
OU Women’s Initiative Mental Health Seminar Explores Trauma of October 7
26 Jul
OU Statement on the Assassination Attempt on Former President Trump
14 Jul
Orthodox Union Invests in Early Career Professionals With Skill-Building Summit
11 Jul
U.S. Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke Visits Orthodox Union’s New York Headquarters
27 Jun
Orthodox Union’s First Executive Fellows Complete Inaugural Program with Strong Professional Skills and Experience
27 Jun
IVDU School for Special Education Wins First Place in ‘Engineering for School’ Category in Mainstream STEAM Competition
18 Jun
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