
OU Advocacy Mission Brings Orthodox Community Leaders to Capitol Hill and White House
OU Advocacy Mission Brings Orthodox Community Leaders to Capitol...
More than 125 lay and rabbinic leaders of Orthodox Jewish communities from across the country convened on Capitol Hill and at the White House June 15 for the Orthodox Union Advocacy Center’s annual Leadership Mission to
Jun 19, 2017
By OU Staff
Rina Emerson, New York NCSY’s New CEO, on Women’s Communal Leadership
Rina Emerson, New York NCSY’s New CEO, on Women’s...
Rina grew up in New Jersey and lived in Cedarhurst for thirteen years, before moving to LA four years ago with her husband, Rabbi Dov Emerson, who became head of
Jun 19, 2017
By Sarah Spielman
Don’t let Pa. lawmakers short-change our children’s safety
Shari Dym, Director of Development at the Silver Academy in Harrisburg, PA, remembers acutely what she felt on February 28, 2017. On an unusually warm Tuesday morning, alarm bells rang
Jun 16, 2017
By Arielle Frankston-Morris
New JLIC couple makes its way into Hillel for...
Rabbi Elie Schwartz and his wife, Miriam, will arrive at Maryland Hillel this August to serve as the new Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus couple, but they won’t be alone
Jun 16, 2017
By Alex Pacinda
Rivka Schusterman: A dream of generations realized in a...
AGE: 18 HIGH SCHOOL: Valley Torah High School GAP YEAR: Midreshet HaRova in Jerusalem GOING TO: Harvard University Under Soviet rule in Odessa, Rivka Schusterman’s grandfather was barred from attending
Jun 16, 2017
By Eitan Arom
West Coast NCSY Connect Israel Trips a Resounding Success
West Coast NCSY Connect Israel Trips a Resounding Success
West Coast NCSY Connect, an initiative for NCSY alumni, partnered with Israel Free Spirit, the OU’s Birthright Israel trip organizer, to launch a new partnership this year – providing free Israel
Jun 14, 2017
By Yehudis Litvack
OU’s Allen Fagin Takes Questions on Education Policy
Q: Why should people in New York’s Jewish communities care about what happens in the New York budget? A: The fact is the New York State budget provides tens of
Jun 12, 2017
By Jewish Link Staff
NCSY Crowdfunding Campaign Nets $2.1 Million in 24 Hours
NCSY Crowdfunding Campaign Nets $2.1 Million in 24 Hours
Ask anyone who was involved– there came a moment, just before our deadline, where we wondered: are we going to have to return nearly $2 million in donations? Fortunately, this
Jun 8, 2017
By OU Staff
MAXIMUS Foundation Announces Grant to the Jewish Union Foundation
On April 27, Jewish Union Foundation, a non-profit organization that works closely with Yachad, was awarded a $2,000 grant from the MAXIMUS Foundation. The grant goes toward the vocational training
Jun 7, 2017
By Amy D. Lerner
Novominsker Rebbe Acclaims OU Kosher At Its Annual Kashrus Conference: “You Make It Possible for Thousands of Yidden to Hav...
Novominsker Rebbe Acclaims OU Kosher At Its Annual Kashrus...
At the OU’s Kashrus conference this past week, there was palpable excitement as the Novominsker Rebbe, Rabbi Yaakov Perlow, addressed his captivated audience: “It’s a privilege for me to be
May 23, 2017
By OU Staff

Recent Articles

U.S. Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke Visits Orthodox Union’s New York Headquarters
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Orthodox Union’s First Executive Fellows Complete Inaugural Program with Strong Professional Skills and Experience
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IVDU School for Special Education Wins First Place in ‘Engineering for School’ Category in Mainstream STEAM Competition
18 Jun
Orthodox Union Relief Mission to India a Life-Changing Experience for Both Participants and Tribal Villagers
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Ahead of Shavuot, 3,000 Women Worldwide Are ‘Counting Towards Sinai’
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Yom Hazikaron Hits Close to Home for OU Family Members Mourning Loved Ones
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Statement from The Orthodox Union and the Orthodox Union-Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus
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Orthodox Union Lay Leadership Mission to Israel Highlights OU’s Critical Impact Nationwide
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Orthodox Union’s B’Yachad LaNetzach Project Memorializes IDF’s Fallen Heroes
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Orthodox Union to Lead Data-Driven Policy Changes Inspired by Kosher Food Insecurity Study
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