
Our Way Welcomes Jewish Deaf to the Russian community...
Our Way, an Orthodox Union program for the deaf and hearing impaired, together with the Russian Community and Congregation B’Nai Israel, 671 Louisiana Avenue, invite the Jewish deaf and their
Mar 1, 2006
By OU Staff
L‘Dor V’dor: NCSY Alumni Family Reunion Brings Generations Together
The first National NCSY Alumni Family Reunion took place recently in Edison, NJ, with a capacity audience of 250 participants for Shabbat, and 100 more who arrived on Saturday night.
Feb 28, 2006
By OU Staff
Once Again, OU Powerpoint Program to Make Megillah Reading...
As Purim approaches, Our Way, a division of the National Jewish Council for Disabilities (NJCD) serving the deaf and hearing impaired, has set a goal of 100 synagogues, double last
Feb 27, 2006
By OU Staff
How the OU Is Helping the Gush Katif Evacuees
It should have come as no surprise last week when Orthodox Union President Stephen J. Savitsky rose at a meeting in Jerusalem of the Conference of Presidents of Major American
Feb 24, 2006
By OU Staff
The Living Halacha: Large Attendance Sees Kosher Law Demonstrated...
The halacha of kashrut came alive last Sunday before a capacity attendance at Lander College in Queens, NY as the Orthodox Union presented The Pareve Mesorahs: A Halachic and Historical
Feb 24, 2006
By OU Staff
OU Fundraising Drive Makes Possible Passover Seders for 1,000...
In a part of the world that was once home to a thriving Jewish community that was later decimated by Communism and Nazism, the sounds and ceremonies of the Passover
Feb 23, 2006
By OU Staff
Providing Advice to Families at a Critical Time
In recognition that when serious illness strikes in an Orthodox family a whole range of difficult decisions — medical, legal and financial — have to be made in accordance with
Feb 22, 2006
By OU Staff
Orthodox Union Hails Albany Rally on Tax Credits
The Orthodox Union, through its Institute for Public Affairs, hailed the unprecedented rally held today at the State Capitol in Albany supporting education tax credits. OU President Stephen J. Savitsky
Feb 15, 2006
By OU Staff
Successful Program Returns for its Fourth Year
The West Coast Region of the Orthodox Union will present its Fourth Annual Positive Jewish Marriages Shabbaton, Friday and Saturday March 10-11, prior to Purim, at the Luxe Hotel in
Feb 15, 2006
By OU Staff
OU President Raises Plight of Gaza Evacuees with Ehud...
In Jerusalem today, Orthodox Union President Stephen J. Savitsky raised with Acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert the plight of Israelis who had been evacuated from Gaza communities last summer but
Feb 14, 2006
By OU Staff

Recent Articles

U.S. Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke Visits Orthodox Union’s New York Headquarters
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Orthodox Union’s First Executive Fellows Complete Inaugural Program with Strong Professional Skills and Experience
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IVDU School for Special Education Wins First Place in ‘Engineering for School’ Category in Mainstream STEAM Competition
18 Jun
Orthodox Union Relief Mission to India a Life-Changing Experience for Both Participants and Tribal Villagers
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Ahead of Shavuot, 3,000 Women Worldwide Are ‘Counting Towards Sinai’
22 May
Yom Hazikaron Hits Close to Home for OU Family Members Mourning Loved Ones
13 May
Statement from The Orthodox Union and the Orthodox Union-Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus
21 Apr
Orthodox Union Lay Leadership Mission to Israel Highlights OU’s Critical Impact Nationwide
17 Apr
Orthodox Union’s B’Yachad LaNetzach Project Memorializes IDF’s Fallen Heroes
16 Apr
Orthodox Union to Lead Data-Driven Policy Changes Inspired by Kosher Food Insecurity Study
16 Apr
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