04 Jun 2010


The Orthodox Union West Coast Region and West Coast NCSY will be holding their Annual Awards Banquet on Tuesday, June 22 at the Sephardic Temple in Westwood.

The banquet will honor Ruth and Seth Berkowitz of Beverlywood and Dr. Steve and Linda Tabak of Beverlywood with the OU President’s Leadership Award. It will also present the OU Community Leadership Award to David and Debbi Schultz of Beverlywood. NSCY Young Leadership Awardees include Nissana Boxstein of Valley Village, Perri Lurie of Beverlywood, Noah Small of Beverlywood and Benny Statman of Beverlywood.

Following an international smorgasbord dinner beginning at 5:45p.m., the program is to begin at 7:30p.m. Chazzan Natanel Baram will be performing, along with video presentations in addition to the award presentation. The Sephardic Temple is located at 10500 Wilshire Boulevard.

The banquet represents a milestone for Rabbi Alan Kalinsky, as he celebrates 25 years as the Director of the OU West Coast Region and organizer of these events.

According to Rabbi Kalinsky, “Our annual awards banquet is a fitting conclusion to a very exciting and impressive year of programs and activities. The excitement that we have on this evening is a culmination of so many wonderful things that has seen our organization reach out to teens, young professional couples, empty nesters as well forging ties with synagogue, rabbinic and lay leadership. Thus, tonight’s event is an opportunity to recognize those individuals who have made a difference in our community.”

“We salute Seth and Ruth Berkowitz, Steve and Linda Tabak — both with the President’s Award in recognition of the leadership that they have provided to their respective synagogues; to Debbie and David Schultz for their leadership of many synagogue and community-based programs. It is a special privilege to acknowledge the four young NCSY leaders who have been singled out for their leadership skills and capabilities.”

“So, in a sense, this year’s banquet has a great deal of excitement because it builds upon the successes of previous years and bodes well for the future.”

About the Honorees:

• Seth and Ruth Berkowitz: Seth and Ruth moved to Los Angeles in 2000 and have had an enormous impact on the local Orthodox community and the West Coast Region. They were welcomed by the community with open arms and still maintain a sense of gratitude for their greeting. Seth served as President of the Young Israel of Century City and is the incoming President of Maimonides Academy. Ruth is on the board of Bnei Akiva and The Mikvah Society of Los Angeles.

• David and Debbie Schultz: David is on the board of Young Israel of Century City and the OU’s West Coast Region. He is a former chairman of the OU’s West Coast Torah Convention and the West Coast Region’s Institute of Public Affairs and is a former board member of Beth Jacob Congregation and Harkham Hillel Hebrew Academy. Debbie served for ten years as an officer of B’nai David Judea Congregation.

• Dr. Steve and Linda Tabak: Steve is the Chairman of the Board at Beth Jacob Congregation, after serving four years as President. He is also a board member of the OU, BJE, and Hillel Council of Greater Baltimore. Linda has been actively involved at the Shalhevet School. Both have served on boards of schools and synagogues in the community.

• Nissana Boxstein: Nissana has served as Valley NCSY President for the past two years, bringing enthusiasm and dedication to guide her peers.

• Perri Lurie: Perrie has been an active participant in Yachad, NCSY Regional Conferences and the Maimonides Scholars Program. She has worked to develop religious commitment in day school students.

• Noah Small: Noah serves on the NCSY Regional Board, and has also served on the City Board. He has been an active member growing up in this community, having attended Maimonides Academy and YULA High School, where he just graduated. Noah will be attending yeshiva in Israel this year before continuing his studies at Yeshiva University.

• Benny Statman: Benny first became involved with NCSY at a regional Shabbaton in ninth grade and was particularly moved by the Havdallah service. The following year, he attended NCSY Kollel, and has taken an active part in the NCSY community, pushing himself to reach his full potential. Benny just graduated from YULA and is planning on attending Yeshivat Kerem B’Yavneh in Israel next year before continuing his studies at Yeshiva University.

For more information and to register, email the OU West Coast office at westcoast@ou.org or call 310-229-9000 ext. 200
