OU Presents National Webcast 1/12 on ‘Major Challenges Facing Shul Boards’

29 Dec 2010


As part of its continuing mission to provide guidance to synagogue leaders on strengthening their shuls, the Orthodox Union will present a Leadership Seminar on the web, “Major Challenges Facing Synagogue Boards: Motivating Your Board Members to Fulfill Their Potential – Be the Best Board You Can Be,” which will be webcast Wednesday, January 12, 2011 from 6:00-7:00 p.m. EST.

The webinar is a joint initiative of the OU Department of Community Services | Jewish Community Programs and the Karasick Department of Synagogue Services | Congregation Support Network, and is intended to respond to questions from synagogue leaders on major challenges facing their shuls. These leaders include presidents, rabbis, officers, board members and executive directors.

The presenter will be Ellen Bayer, founder and president of Framing Change, a strategic business planner, executive development coach, and part of a national network of certified change process consultants affiliated with Resource Associates Corporation. A veteran of 30 years of executive and consulting experience in corporate and nonprofit sectors, Ms. Bayer is on the faculty of the Leadership and Human Capital Management Division of New York University’s School of Continuing and Professional Studies and the Yeshiva University School of Business.

The webinar is part of a growing series of Orthodox Union programs directed at synagogue leadership, both lay and clerical, to prepare them to deal with the ever-changing environment they must face. Highlighted by the travels of OU Executive Vice President Rabbi Steven Weil to synagogues across North America to consult with leadership and to meet their communities; encompassing conferences, consultations and retreats for rabbis, executive directors, presidents, board members and youth directors; and now including WINGS – “We Inspire New Growth Synagogues” – a consulting initiative of the Karasick Department of Synagogue Services, OU staff and consultants work tirelessly to enrich the skills of those who lead and guide their synagogue communities.

“Board members, men and women alike, are charged with the responsibility of keeping their synagogues vibrant and responsive to the needs of their communities,” declared Frank Buchweitz, OU National Director of Community Services and Special Projects. “This calls for a wide range of skills, which a board in its entirety should possess. Ellen Bayer will emphasize the skills required of board members for the many challenges they face and respond to questions from those participating in the webcast.”

Questions may sent in advance to ebayer@framingchange.com. There will also be an opportunity to email questions during Ms. Bayer’s presentation.

Online registration is available at www.ou.org/boardtraining. For further information or to register by phone, call 212-613-8318.

OU | World’s Largest Jewish Resource