OU Expresses Grief Over Boston Marathon Bombing

16 Apr 2013


Our heart is breaking; the thoughts and prayers of everyone at the Orthodox Union are with each of the victims of yesterday’s cruel attack in Boston.

A marathon brings together people of all backgrounds from all over the world. It is unspeakable that such a tragedy should be visited upon such a glorious occasion as the Boston Marathon, which celebrates Patriot’s Day, a highly significant day in American history, the battles of Lexington and Concord.

A look at the scene of the explosions that took place gives the clear impression of a terrorist act. While it is still unknown who was responsible for this horrific violence, the Boston Police Department has confirmed three deaths and many hurt, with wounds characteristic of those seen on the battlefield.

The Orthodox Union urges synagogues, yeshivot and Jewish institutions to review their security procedures and to be in contact with their local police departments, possibly to request additional patrols, and recommends that local law enforcement be consulted concerning Yom Ha’atzmaut (Israel Independence Day) celebrations on Monday night or Tuesday.

Martin Nachimson,
President, Orthodox Union

Rabbi Steven Weil,
Executive Vice President, Orthodox Union

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