OU Supports Senate Effort to Stop Funding to Terrorists and Their Families

05 Aug 2016

The U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee is attempting to put a stop to providing U.S. tax payer dollars for the Palestinian Liberation Organization that it then uses to provide stipends to terrorists or their families.

The State and Foreign Operations Appropriations Act of 2017, approved June 29, contains a provision sponsored by Sen. Dan Coats (R-Ind.) that will restrict such payments.

On July 6, the U.S. House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee will hold a hearing on “Israel, the Palestinian Authority, and Barriers to Peace,” and the Orthodox Union calls upon committee members to further examine U.S. funding of the Palestinian Authority and terrorists as part of this hearing.

Nathan Diament, executive director for public policy for the Orthodox Union, said:

“The perniciousness of Palestinian terrorism is terribly salient this week as we mourn the loss of 13-year-old Hallel Ariel and Rabbi Miki Mark, 48, murdered this week by Palestinian terrorists. People of good will must not allow themselves to become numb to this incessant evil. The U.S. Congress must take overdue action to eliminate any American support, financial or otherwise, to the Palestinian Authority that embraces and supports terrorism.”