What are realistic qualities one should look for in a relationship? The Orthodox Union’s Department of Community Engagement and the Young Israel of the West Side will present a discussion for singles ages 26-38 on sensible and reasonable criteria for healthy relationships – and the unrealistic hopes that often arise. The program, entitled Great Expectations, will be held at the OU-member synagogue on Wednesday, May 14, at 7 p.m.
The discussion will be moderated by Michael Feldstein, marketing director at Boardroom Inc., and volunteer singles programming coordinator for the Orthodox Union. Rabbi Dovid Cohen, Esq., M.S., and mara d’asra of the Young Israel of the West Side, will deliver the introductory comments.
Rebbetzin Judi Steinig, Associate Director of Community Services at the Department of Community Engagement explains, “This program has been designed in response to the concerns that have arisen regarding the unrealistic expectations that men and women have during the dating process. The participants will discuss the importance of appropriate criteria while socializing and enjoying a light dairy dinner.”
Registration fee for the event is $18 before May 9, $25 after. A light dairy dinner will be included in the program. Please register at www.oucommunity.org/singles or call 212-613-8188.