OU, RCA, Agudah, Achiezer and Ohel Monitoring the Situation in Florida

11 Sep 2017

Late last week, the leadership of Achiezer, the Agudath Israel of America, Ohel, the Rabbinical Council of America and the Orthodox Union met to plan a unified response to what was expected to be unprecedented damages wrought by Hurricane Irma.

We continue to monitor the situation in Florida and believe it is premature to fully assess the needs at this moment. We remain in constant contact with community leaders in Florida and once the situation on the ground is further clarified we will communicate further. In the interim, please continue your tefillot on behalf of the many people seriously affected by Hurricane Irma, many of whom may not be able to return home for days.

In addition, please keep the communities of Houston in the forefront of your thoughts as they continue their rebuilding efforts following the devastation wrought by Hurricane Harvey floodwaters. We have seen tremendous support for those in need and we hope you can continue to extend your generosity – you can help the people of Houston here.

Over the past few days, we were able to provide assistance to the community of Atlanta, which graciously and warmly opened their homes to over 1,500 evacuees from Florida. Until families currently in Atlanta can return home, we will continue to provide them with necessary support.

Thank you,

Moishe Bane, President
Orthodox Union

Allen Fagin, Executive Vice President
Orthodox Union

Rabbi Boruch Ber Bender, President

Shuli Wolman, Chairman of the Board

Rabbi Elazar Muskin, President
Rabbinical Council of America

Rabbi Mark Dratch, Executive VP
Rabbinical Council of America

Rabbi Shia Markowitz, CEO
Agudath Israel of America


Update: Support those in need in Florida