Support for the soldiers involved in Operation Brother’s Keeper is coming in from all over Israel and around the world. A significant grant earmarked for soldiers serving in the Hevron area was made by the Orthodox Union. The purpose of this grant is to reinforce the efforts being made on behalf of the soldiers by OU Israel’s Mashiv HaRuach and Makom BaLev programs in cooperation with Midreshet Hevron.
The two programs have organized groups of volunteers to come to the aid of the soldiers stationed in the area during the search for Gilad Shaar, Naftali Frenkel, and Eyal Yifrach. With funding from the OU they are distributing food and drinks, and in some cases have helped find places for the soldiers to sleep and have even arranged to do laundry for the soldiers.
Mashiv HaRuach (Return the Spirit), sponsored by OU Israel, is an intensive experience-based program that inspires soldiers with knowledge of Israel’s history and Biblical heritage. Makom BaLev is styled after NCSY in the United States. It operates 11 youth centers in Israeli development towns.
Read the full story on the OU Israel website.