The Orthodox Union Presents Second Annual Torah LA December 16

11 Dec 2018

Hundreds expected at Lectures from Renowned Torah Educators

Los Angeles
– Leading rabbinic scholars, educators and Jewish communal leaders will be featured at the Orthodox Union’s Torah LA on Sunday, December 16, 2018 from 9:15 to 12 noon at the YULA Boy’s High School, 9760 W. Pico Boulevard in Los Angeles. This free event, hosted by the nation’s oldest and largest umbrella organization for the North American Orthodox Jewish community, is expected to draw over 500 hundred men, women and high school students for a morning of Torah study addressing topics and questions facing the Jewish world today from the perspective of Jewish law and thought.

Modeled on the OU’s successful Torah New York series, which drew over 2,000 people to a day of learning at Citi Field in New York, Torah LA will feature 11 shiurim divided into three main categories: Current Issues in Halacha, Strengthening Our Families, and Family Relationships in Tanach. The morning will be split into three time slots, each slot offering a choice between three different talks.

“We are so proud of the Los Angeles community’s embrace of Torah study as a community-wide experience,” said Moishe Bane, president of the Orthodox Union.  “The Los Angeles community has a long history of engaging in, and supporting, serious Torah study and Torah LA is no exception. The international esteem, scholarship and wisdom of the event’s presenters ensure that every community member who attends will enjoy the unique opportunity to discover the facet of Torah study that speaks to them.”

The list of Torah LA presenters includes: Rabbi Hershel Schachter, Rabbi Moshe Weinberger, Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb, Rabbi Lawrence Hajioff, Rabbi Abraham Lieberman, Rabbi Ya’akov Trump, Rabbi Steven Weil, Rabbi Avraham Shmidman, Rabbi Dr. Zev Wiener, Dr. David Pelcovitz, Mrs. Michal Horowitz, Rebbetzin Dr. Adina Shmidman, and Mrs. Geraldine Wiener.

Topics addresses will include:

Additionally, there will be sessions offered for high school students addressing today’s pressing hashkafa issues for teenagers and young adults. These sessions will be given by Rabbi Steven Weil, Rabbi Lawrence Hajioff, and Rabbi Ya’akov Trump. More information on the speakers and schedule is available at

“We are looking forward to a most inspirational and ‎uplifting OU Torah Weekend,” said Rabbi Alan Kalinsky, director of OU West Coast. “We were blessed with a fabulous, dedicated steering committee of young leaders who put heart and soul into creating and executing this year’s‎ event.”

Torah LA culminates a weekend of communal Torah learning throughout the LA area, starting with a keynote address from Rabbi Moshe Weinberger on Thursday night, December 13 at Adas Torah; scholars-in-residence on Shabbat morning at fifteen Orthodox synagogues in the area, Shabbat dinner and lunches with special guests at Pats (reservation required); and two private events for sponsors and young professionals on Saturday night.  Contact for more information on programming for the weekend and reservations for the meals.

For more information about Torah LA, please visit