This year, it is once again my honor to bring to your attention another work of great scholarship by Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb — his beautiful translation of the Kinot liturgy for Tisha B’Av, published BY OU Press and Koren Publishers. The Koren Mesorat HaRav Kinot is a work of gifted scholarship.
In his introduction to this work, Rabbi Simon Posner relates his perspective on Rabbi Weinreb’s role in this liturgical effort:
“The English translation of the Kinot by Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb, the executive vice president emeritus of the Orthodox Union, was commissioned especially for this edition of the Kinot. I was delighted that Rabbi Weinreb accepted the challenging task of composing the Kinot translation, and the Jewish community is indebted to him for a lucid, literate and inspiring rendering of the Kinot in English.
“Over the years, Rabbi Weinreb’s Tisha B’Av Kinot learning sessions, and more recently his Tisha B’Av webcasts, have been an inspiration to the Jewish community worldwide. It is most fitting that this translation of Kinot for this edition was undertaken by Rabbi Weinreb, who has made the annual Tisha B’Av presentations one of his signature educational efforts.”