Unity Can Be Dangerous
It's the disunity that promotes tolerance. Steve Savitsky talks with Shira Leibowitz Schmidt about her contrarian approach to achdut (unity).
Big Brother, Big Sister: An Exceptional Mentoring Program
Steve Savitsky talks with Bracha Goetz about her program that matches up children and teens with much-needed mentors. Bracha Goetz is the author of Let’s Stay Safe, a book reviewed in the Jewish Action summer...
It’s Possible: An Orthodox Jew in the US Air...
Lieutenant Yoni Goldstein proves it is possible to be an Orthodox Jew in the United States Air Force...and possible to fulfill your childhood dreams.
Jewish Unity: The Righteous and the Self-Righteous (Audio)
Steve Savitsky talks with Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks about why we as Jews are so diverse, for better and for worse.
David & Goliath: The Explosive Inside Story of Media...
Steve Savitsky talks with Shraga Simmons, senior editor of Aish.com, the director of JewishPathways.com and the founding editor of HonestReporting.
Can We Control the Internet in Our Homes?
Steve Savitsky talks with Dr. Dovid Fox about the frightening effects the Internet has on our brains, psychology and social skills and how we can effectively deal with it.
Tragedy In France: The Jewish Community Responds (Audio)
Steve Savitsky talks with Tomer Orni, CEO of the European Jewish Union, about the shooting that took the lives of three children and a father.
The Car Accident That Left Him a Quadriplegic (Audio)
Steve Savitsky talks with Rabbi Yehuda Simes about the car accident that left him a quadriplegic, his ensuing day-to-day life, and how he keeps his chin up and faith intact.
The Reason We Get Divorced (Audio)
The true problems begin long before the divorce itself. Rabbi Feuerman, LCSW, addresses the key issue at play - and what we can do to avoid it.
Chassidic Female Attorney Asks: Why Can’t Women Be Part...
Hatzalah answers: immodesty, delayed service and incapability. So Ruchie Freier explores opening a new emergency unit - an all-female one.