Mishpatim: Cooking Meat and Milk
While our parsha contains over fifty different mitzvot, one in particular is an everyday concern for most Jews: the prohibition of cooking meat with milk. This law, together with its Rabbinical...
Jan 25, 2011
By Asher Meir

Yitro: Weapons on Shabbat
The Shulchan Arukh writes that a sword (or other weapon) is not considered an ornament, and therefore may not be worn on Shabbat outside the eiruv (SA OC 301:7). This halakha...
Jan 18, 2011
By Asher Meir

Beshalach: Games on Shabbat
Last week we discussed the general disapproval of a hasty stride, as well as the particular requirement to avoid a “broad stride” on Shabbat because of the prophetic commandment to avoid...
Jan 13, 2011
By Asher Meir

Bo: Reproof
One of the 613 commandments of the Torah is to give reproof: “Don’t hate your brother in your heart; surely reprove your fellow, and don’t bear sin towards him” (Vayikra 19:17)....
Jan 5, 2011
By Asher Meir

Vaeira: Hagomel
A person who has been saved from a dangerous situation recites the “gomel” blessing, acknowledging that HaShem does good even to sinners (SA OC 219). There are many unusual halakhic features...
Dec 29, 2010
By Asher Meir

Shemot: Removing Shoes
Our parsha contains the very first revelation experienced by Moshe Rabbeinu, the greatest of all prophets: “Don’t approach here; remove your shoes from your feet, for the place where you are...
Dec 21, 2010
By Asher Meir

Vayechi: Number of Windows in Shul
Last week we discussed the various reasons given for the custom to have windows in a shul. Among the sources mentioned was a passage in the Zohar (Pekudei II:251a) which is...
Dec 15, 2010
By Asher Meir

Vayigash: Havdala and Eliyahu HaNavi
A central theme of the Motzei Shabbat hymns is Eliyahu the prophet. Kitzur Shulchan Arukh gives two reasons for this association: Our prophets foretold that Eliyahu, who never died but rather...
Dec 9, 2010
By Asher Meir

Miketz: Milk Foods
The Rema writes that it is proper to eat cheese at Chanukah because of the miracle that was wrought through milk, when Yehudit gave milk to the enemy leader to make...
Nov 30, 2010
By Asher Meir

Vayeshev: Placement of the Chanukah Menorah
The Talmud rules that the ideal way of fulfilling the mitzva of Chanukah lights is by lighting them at the entrance to the house, so that they are clearly visible to...
Nov 23, 2010
By Asher Meir
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