Meaning In Mitzvot 252 articles

Rabbi Asher Meir is the author of the book Meaning in Mitzvot, distributed by Feldheim. The book provides insights into the inner meaning of our daily practices, following the order of the 221 chapters of the Kitzur Shulchan Arukh.
Ki Tavo: Challah and the Land of Israel
Ki Tavo: Challah and the Land of Israel
If by accident challah was not separated before Shabbat, it is possible to leave some of the bread aside on Shabbat itself, and designate it as challah after Shabbat ends. But...
Aug 30, 2007
By Asher Meir
Ki Teitzei: Confusing the Accuser (Part Two)
Ki Teitzei: Confusing the Accuser (Part Two)
Last week we pointed out that Chazal and the Rishonim explain quite a number of shofar customs based on the principle of “confusing the Satan”, the accuser. One approach we presented...
Aug 21, 2007
By Asher Meir
Re’eh: Ya’aleh V’Yavo
Re’eh: Ya’aleh V’Yavo
On days which have a musaf prayer, that is, Yom Tov, High Holidays and Rosh Chodesh, we say the prayer Ya’aleh V’Yavo in the blessing on the restoration of the Temple service....
Aug 9, 2007
By Asher Meir
Ekev: Amida Order
The blessings of the Amida prayer must be said in their exact order. A blessing said out of order must be repeated in its proper place (SA OC 119:3). This suggests...
Aug 2, 2007
By Asher Meir
Va’etchanan: Tu B’Av
Va’etchanan: Tu B’Av
Tu b’Av is the fifteenth day of Av. The Shulchan Arukh mentions that we do not say Tachanun on this day (Orach Chaim 131:6). The reason is because many joyful events...
Jul 26, 2007
By Asher Meir
Devarim: Final Meal before the Tisha B’Av Fast
Devarim: Final Meal before the Tisha B’Av Fast
On the eve of Tisha B’Av, the final meal before the fast already has a mournful character. The meal is eaten in isolation, and only one cooked dish is permitted. The Shulchan...
Jul 20, 2007
By Asher Meir
Matot-Masei: Avoiding Litigation During the Month of Av
Matot-Masei: Avoiding Litigation During the Month of Av
The Shulchan Arukh states that since the beginning of Av is a time of bad fortune for the Jews, it is best to put off litigation with non-Jews until after the...
Jul 12, 2007
By Asher Meir
Balak: Fasting
Balak: Fasting
The 17th of Tammuz is one of the four major fast days. As the name suggests, the primary way we commemorate tragic anniversaries is through fasting. Why is a temporary abstinence...
Jun 29, 2007
By Asher Meir
Chukat: Asher Yatzar
Chukat: Asher Yatzar
One of the most frequent blessings is the asher yatzar blessing said after elimination (going to the bathroom). This is also one of the most cryptic blessings, and the Talmud, Rishonim,...
Jun 21, 2007
By Asher Meir
Korach: Terumah & Maaser
Korach: Terumah & Maaser
We are accustomed to saying that we give terumah to the Kohen and give maaser to the Levi. Yet a careful look at our parsha shows that this is not quite...
Jun 14, 2007
By Asher Meir

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