Chukat: Abdominal Fat
Last week we explained that even among the permissible animals, there are gradations; birds and wild animals such as deer are considered at a higher spiritual level than “dumb” domesticated animals...
Jun 30, 2011
By Asher Meir

Korach: The Essence of Life
One of the 39 forbidden labors on Shabbat is taking life. This was necessary in the Mishkan in order to make the roof out of animal skins. But what exactly is...
Jun 22, 2011
By Asher Meir

Shelach: Moving to Israel
In our parsha, the spies were punished for not showing sufficient desire to enter Eretz Yisrael. Let us study one of the many halakhot which express the importance of moving here....
Jun 16, 2011
By Asher Meir

Naso: Education of Children
A Jewish boy becomes obligated in mitzvot when he reaches the age of 13, and a Jewish girl at the age of 12. This is the age when a person attains...
Jun 2, 2011
By Asher Meir

Bamidbar: Canopy of Peace on Jerusalem
On weekdays, we close the last blessing of Shema at night with the words, “Who watches over His people Israel forever”. But on Shabbat, we close, “Who spreads a canopy of...
May 26, 2011
By Asher Meir

Bechukotai: Four Types of Bailors
The halacha recognizes three distinct levels of responsibility for a watched object, or bail: An unpaid bailee is liable only for negligence (SA CM 291). A paid bailee, or a lessee,...
May 19, 2011
By Asher Meir

Behar: Doing Business with a Fellow Jew
Last week we discussed the mandate to strive to do business with a Torah scholar, which the Rambam states is a fulfillment of the Torah commandment to cleave to talmidei chachamim....
May 11, 2011
By Asher Meir

Emor: Counting the Omer
From the day following Pesach until the day before Shavuot, we count the 50 days of Omer. The name Omer comes from the measure of barley offered in the Mikdash on...
May 5, 2011
By Asher Meir

Kedoshim: “Chadash” – Prohibition on Eating New Grain Crop
In the time of the Mikdash, on the night following the first day of Pesach, a small amount of barley was harvested and brought on the following day as a meal...
Apr 27, 2011
By Asher Meir

Acharei Mot: Likeness of Chametz to Notar (Leftover Sacrifices)
The mishna (Pesachim 2:1) records a dispute between Rebbe Yehuda and the Sages regarding the disposal of chametz as Pesach approaches. According to Rebbe Yehuda, this should be done only by...
Apr 14, 2011
By Asher Meir
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