Meaning In Mitzvot 252 articles

Rabbi Asher Meir is the author of the book Meaning in Mitzvot, distributed by Feldheim. The book provides insights into the inner meaning of our daily practices, following the order of the 221 chapters of the Kitzur Shulchan Arukh.
Vayeishev: Chanukah
Vayeishev: Chanukah
In one of the most dramatic passages in the Mishneh Torah, the Rambam tells the story of Chanukah: how we suffered persecution spiritually and religiously (prohibition of Torah and mitzvot), materially...
Nov 30, 2007
By Asher Meir
Vayishlach: Spices at Havdala
Vayishlach: Spices at Havdala
At havdala at the close of Shabbat the custom is to make a blessing on pleasant fragrances. Early authorities mentioned two reasons for this custom: Shabbat, the fires of hell are...
Nov 22, 2007
By Asher Meir
Vayeitzei: Maariv
Vayeitzei: Maariv
MAARIV As Yaakov is going from Be’er Sheva to Charan, the Torah tells us that he “reached the place”. Rashi explains that this refers to “reaching out” in prayer, and that...
Nov 16, 2007
By Asher Meir
Toldot: Shabbat Enjoyment and the Limitations of Social Justice
Toldot: Shabbat Enjoyment and the Limitations of Social Justice
If we read chapter 58 of Yeshayahu in its entirety, we encounter a surprising and even jarring juxtaposition. The beginning of the chapter is a searing admonition not to be hypocritical...
Nov 8, 2007
By Asher Meir
Chayei Sarah: The Eulogy
Chayei Sarah: The Eulogy
THE EULOGY When Sarah passes away, we learn that Avraham came “to eulogize her and to weep over her” (Bereshit 23:2). Indeed,our Tradition considers it a great mitzva to eulogize the...
Nov 2, 2007
By Asher Meir
Vayeira: Eliyahu & Brit Milah
Vayeira: Eliyahu & Brit Milah
The theme of milah is found in this week’s portion as Avraham circumcises Yitzchak (Bereshit 21:5). A prominent presence at the brit milah is the prophet Eliyahu. In all Jewish communities...
Oct 25, 2007
By Asher Meir
Lech Lecha: First Blessing of the Amida
Lech Lecha: First Blessing of the Amida
In the beginning of our parsha, Hashem blesses Avram: “I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you, and I will magnify your name; and be you...
Oct 18, 2007
By Asher Meir
Noach: Borei Nefashot
Noach: Borei Nefashot
After eating non-vegetable foods and most processed foods, we bless “borei nefashot”, thanking HaShem “Who creates many souls and their deficiency; for everything He created, in order to enliven all living...
Oct 11, 2007
By Asher Meir
Yom Kippur: Kol Nidrei
Yom Kippur: Kol Nidrei
KOL NIDREI The Yom Kippur liturgy is identified especially with the “Kol Nidrei” chant. The Kol Nidrei, though an ancient custom (it is mentioned in the Zohar and in the early...
Sep 20, 2007
By Asher Meir
Nitzavim-Vayeilech: Symbolism of the Shofar Blasts
Nitzavim-Vayeilech: Symbolism of the Shofar Blasts
The Torah tells us that Rosh HaShanah is a “Yom Teruah”, meaning a “day of sounding the shofar” (Bamidbar 29:1). However, the sages of the Talmud inferred from the nuances of...
Sep 6, 2007
By Asher Meir

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