Meaning In Mitzvot 252 articles

Rabbi Asher Meir is the author of the book Meaning in Mitzvot, distributed by Feldheim. The book provides insights into the inner meaning of our daily practices, following the order of the 221 chapters of the Kitzur Shulchan Arukh.
Terumah: Reading the Torah Portion with Targum
Terumah: Reading the Torah Portion with Targum
“Rav Huna bar Yehuda said in the name of Rebbe Ami: A person should complete the portion together with the community, twice Scripture and once targum, and even ‘Atarot and Dibon’...
Feb 8, 2008
By Asher Meir
Mishpatim: Greeting Strangers
Mishpatim: Greeting Strangers
We learn in the Mishna that a person should be prompt to greet others: “Rebbe Matia ben Charash says, be first to greet all people” (Avot 4:16)....
Jan 31, 2008
By Asher Meir
Yitro: Tevilah – Immersion in a Mikveh
Yitro: Tevilah – Immersion in a Mikveh
As part of the preparation for receiving the Torah, HaShem tells Moshe that the people need to sanctify themselves and wash their garments (Shemot 19:10). The Rambam explains that this refers...
Jan 24, 2008
By Asher Meir
Beshalach: Muktzah
Beshalach: Muktzah
When Hashem tells Moshe how His manna will feed the Jewish people, He says, “And on the sixth day they will prepare what they brought, and it will turn out to...
Jan 18, 2008
By Asher Meir
Bo: Honoring the Departed in their Presence
Bo: Honoring the Departed in their Presence
The Shulchan Arukh rules that it is forbidden to speak on Torah matters in the presence of the departed, unless we are speaking of things which are for their needs (such...
Jan 10, 2008
By Asher Meir
Va’eira: Avoiding the Appearance of Idolatry in Prayer
Va’eira: Avoiding the Appearance of Idolatry in Prayer
When Pharaoh begs Moshe to stop the hail, Moshe agrees: “When I leave the city, I will extend my hands towards HaShem; the claps will cease, and the hail...
Jan 4, 2008
By Asher Meir
Shemot: Respect for the Worker
Shemot: Respect for the Worker
Our parsha tells us that the Egyptians worked Benei Yisrael with “crushing labor” (befarekh – Shemot 1:13). While Rashi explains that this refers to work which crushes the body, one explanation...
Dec 28, 2007
By Asher Meir
Vayechi: White Lies
Vayechi: White Lies
After Yaakov’s death, Yosef’s brothers are afraid he will now take revenge on them for selling him into slavery. They tell him that Yaakov himself ordered him to forgive them (Bereshit...
Dec 20, 2007
By Asher Meir
Vayigash: Translation of the Torah
Vayigash: Translation of the Torah
One of the tragedies which is commemorated by the fast on the Tenth of Tevet is the Septuagint, the translation of the Torah into Greek by seventy scholars. This translation was...
Dec 13, 2007
By Asher Meir
Mikeitz: Milk Foods
Mikeitz: Milk Foods
The Rema writes that it is proper to eat cheese at Chanukah because of the miracle that was wrought through milk, when Yehudit gave milk to the enemy leader to make...
Dec 7, 2007
By Asher Meir

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