Meaning In Mitzvot 252 articles

Rabbi Asher Meir is the author of the book Meaning in Mitzvot, distributed by Feldheim. The book provides insights into the inner meaning of our daily practices, following the order of the 221 chapters of the Kitzur Shulchan Arukh.
Shavuot nowadays has two distinct aspects. On the one hand, it is defined by the Torah as the day following fifty days of counting omer (Vayikra 23:16). On the other hand,...
May 27, 2009
By Asher Meir
Bamidbar: Cooking on Yom Tov
Bamidbar: Cooking on Yom Tov
During the weekday, we are permitted to perform any kind of labor we like. But on Shabbat, we are forbidden to do any kind of creative labor, particularly those 39 archetypical...
May 21, 2009
By Asher Meir
Behar-Bechukotai: Protection of Workers
Behar-Bechukotai: Protection of Workers
The Torah principles of judgment are scrupulously fair. They may favor neither the low nor the high: “don’t favor the poor man, nor glorify the great” (Vayikra 19:15). Fundamentally this applies...
May 13, 2009
By Asher Meir
Acharei Mot-Kedoshim: Laws of Damages
Acharei Mot-Kedoshim: Laws of Damages
Any person whose acts or possessions damage someone else’s property must make good the loss of the damaged party. Laws protecting property are a necessary feature of any legal system; even...
Apr 30, 2009
By Asher Meir
Tazria: Writing the Ketuba
Tazria: Writing the Ketuba
Last week we explained the profound importance of the husband’s obligation to provide for the wife in the case of divorce or widowhood. This obligation is not only meant to provide...
Apr 22, 2009
By Asher Meir
Tzav – “Hagbah”: Raising the Torah Scroll
Tzav – “Hagbah”: Raising the Torah Scroll
There is a very ancient custom to raise the Torah scroll adjacent to its reading, to show the script to everyone in synagogue. “Then he opens the Torah scroll three columns,...
Apr 2, 2009
By Asher Meir
Vayikra: Nullification of Chametz
Vayikra: Nullification of Chametz
The elimination of chametz has two distinct parts: the search for chametz and the nullification of chametz. Our sages tell us that according to strict Torah law, one of these would...
Mar 25, 2009
By Asher Meir
Vayakhel: Intercalation
Vayakhel: Intercalation
The Jewish calendar is based on a lunar month (about 29 days) and on a solar year (about 365 days). Since a solar year is not an exact multiple of the...
Mar 19, 2009
By Asher Meir
Ki Tisa: Blessing on Smell
Ki Tisa: Blessing on Smell
Our parsha discusses the making of the special scented oil for anointing the utensils of the Mikdash and the incense used as part of the service (Shemot 30:22-38). The prominence of...
Mar 11, 2009
By Asher Meir
Tetzaveh: Obligation to Sleep on Purim
Tetzaveh: Obligation to Sleep on Purim
One of the lesser-known duties of the Purim holiday is the obligation to sleep. This obligation is mentioned explicitly in the Rema: “A person should drink more than he his accustomed...
Mar 5, 2009
By Asher Meir

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