Moms: Simple Ways To Make Your Day Better

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07 May 2018

Although the school year is winding down, parents are still always on the lookout for tips to make daily routines with children easier. Here are some simple ways to do that:


Take time for yourself: Try to wake up early and get yourself organized before the morning rush. Drink your coffee, daven or just get dressed without any interruptions.

Smile: Wake your kids up with an upbeat “Good Morning!” If you’re cheerful, it is more likely that your children will be cheerful too.

Empathize: Instead of saying, “Why aren’t you getting out of bed?” Try, “”Getting out of bed in the morning can be tough! Is there anything I can do to help?”


Prepare: Let everyone know what is for dinner beforehand. I always gave my children the option to make themselves a sandwich or have some cereal if they did not care for the food that day.

Use humor: Make inanimate objects talk and use silly voices: Have the broccoli say, “Don’t eat me! I don’t want to be in your dark stomach!” or “I am a pepper and I am very tasty. I think you will like me!”

Give choices: Would you like to sit next to Daddy or next to me?

Bath time:

Prepare: Give your kids a five-minute warning before bath time.
Problem-solve: Ask your child how you both can make bath time more fun?
Use Choices: Do you want to hop or skip to the bathtub? Do you want the blue or the red soap?
Play games: “We’ve turned into dolphins and need to get to the water fast! To the tub!”
Put your child in charge: Let your child tell everyone it’s bath time. (This is especially important for independent minded children. It gives them an opportunity to use their leadership abilities for the good).


Prepare: Give your kids a five-minute warning before it is time to get into bed.
Smile: Try not to stress too much. Everyone is tired and it is hard to be peppy. However, if parents are in a good mood, everyone is happier.
Give choices: “Do you want one or two books? Do you want to hop or skip to bed?
Use humor: Children love to pretend. You can say, “Let’s imagine we are out in the woods and we are camping tonight. Do you hear the owls hooting? Do smell the campfire…”

Our days with our children can be challenging. Arming yourself with these simple tips can help.

Adina Soclof is a Parent Educator, Professional Development Instructor and Speech Pathologist working with children in a school setting. She received her BA. in History from Queens College and her MS. in Communication Sciences from Hunter College. Adina is the founder of She delivers parenting classes as well as professional development workshops for Speech Pathologists, Teachers and other health professionals. You can find her text based CEU courses at and video courses at and

The words of this author reflect his/her own opinions and do not necessarily represent the official position of the Orthodox Union.