After 5 Years of Civil War, Syrian Refugee Thanks Israelis and Jews For Being “True Friends”

17 Mar 2016

From the

Syrian refugee Aboud Dandachi wrote an essay Monday in Tablet in which he expressed gratitude to his “true friends,” including Jewish and Israeli people and organization who have assisted him and other refugees.

Dandachi, a former high-tech worker who created a website called Thank You Am Israel, wrote appreciatively that it “is astonishing, absolutely astonishing, that there have been so many instances of Jewish and Israeli organizations and individuals who have gone out of their way to assist and help Syrians in need.”

A native of Homs, which he described as being “the most livable city in all of the Levant,” Dandachi just wanted to ignore the protests and establish himself professionally when they first started in 2011. That changed on April 17, when protests at a funeral broke out. Tens of thousands staged a sit-in, in what Dandachi describes as “Syria’s Tahrir Square moment.” The security apparatus of Iran-backed dictator Bashar al-Assad attacked the crowd, killing dozens.

Read more here.

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