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Yapchik (AKA Polish Cholent)

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.Please note: fresh fruit and vegetables need to be inspected for insect infestation. Please consult our guide

I guess we learn something new every day.It was new to me…YABADABADOooo I came across this recipe which I modified a little. I can’t wait to make it myself. Probably this Shabbos.

Yapchik (AKA Polish Chulent)



  1. Lay the bones on bottom of a (large) crock pot
  2. Add the salt, pepper and onions to the grated potatoes and pour over the bones.
  3. Add some water around the edges and cover first with aluminum foil then the cover.
  4. Set crockpot on high till it starts cooking, then switch to low.

Let me know how it comes out! The Kitchener Yapchik (I meant Rebbe) :-)

The words of this author reflect his/her own opinions and do not necessarily represent the official position of the Orthodox Union.