Spicy Tuna for Sushi

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10 Mar 2006
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Since Sushi is not one of my specialties, I consulted my nephew Chef David, who is a real Sushi fanatic. Here is his response.

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Spicy Tuna is a funny thing. There are hundreds of different recipes out there. There are two ways that I make it that I think are the best, or at least close to the best, that there is. First thing that is a major no-no is using hot sauce in your recipe. There are a lot of recipes that call for it but the vinegar base that most hot sauces have really overpowers the spicy sauce. So here are the two versions I like.



  1. Mix all ingredients….. Add more pepper as desired for heat.

The other recipe…. which I like much more…. but is very different than the first…




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