Well, don’t look now but It’s Here: Pesach! So much thought, care, money and work go into this holiday that it’s no surprise that so many of us are obsessed with the holiday. I have literally been thinking for the last several months about Pesach, buying tickets and clothes, thinking about guest lists and menus and shopping lists, wondering how all this is going to come together.
I can put it off no longer: Today I do the menus! But my job is a little easier because, from year to year, I keep my menus in my Pesach notebook. Not only does this provide me with a ready menu. It also provides me with an idea of what people liked or didn’t like, what was too much work and what was easy.
And from all of this, I can tell you one thing: Elaborate desserts to be eaten on the night of the Seder can really be a waste of time and effort. At our house, we’re planning to serve fruit ices, cut fruit and cookies that I’ll make before the holiday starts. I always try to make desserts that will keep well and then bring them out throughout the week. My Pesach dessert favorites are Meringues, Biscotti, Chocolate Chip cookies and Eje Matzo (like Passover Baklava). What was it Marie Antoinette said? If there’s no bread, let them eat cake? Here we go!
(c) 2009 Debby Segura. Debby Segura holds an AB in Design from UCLA. She designs dinnerware and she teaches and writes about cooking. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband and children. Visit her at www.debbysegura.com
The words of this author reflect his/her own opinions and do not necessarily represent the official position of the Orthodox Union.