Torah 948 articles

Introduction to Masechet Sanhedrin
Introduction to Masechet Sanhedrin
The Coming Week’s Daf Yomi by Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz This essay is based upon the insights and chidushim (original ideas) of Talmudic scholar Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, as published in the Hebrew...
Feb 11, 2010
By Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz
Masechet Sanhedrin 2a-6b
Masechet Sanhedrin 2a-6b
The Coming Week’s Daf Yomi by Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz This essay is based upon the insights and chidushim (original ideas) of Talmudic scholar Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, as published in the Hebrew...
Feb 11, 2010
By Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz
Mishpatim: Testimony of a Professional Gambler
Mishpatim: Testimony of a Professional Gambler
The Mishna tells us that a dice-player (or other gambler) is disqualified as a witness in Beit Din. Rebbe Yehuda qualifies this, stating that a dice-player is disqualified only if he...
Feb 11, 2010
By Asher Meir
Human Initiative and the Divine Hand
Human Initiative and the Divine Hand
“He shall certainly cure” (Shemot 21:19) — The School of R. Ishmael taught: “He shall certainly cure” From here it is derived that permission was granted to the doctor to heal....
Feb 10, 2010
By Rabbi Yitzchak Blau
Mishpatim: Our Greatest Moment
Mishpatim: Our Greatest Moment
More than once, when I really need my friend’s help and “no” is simply not an option, I’ve asked for commitment before my request. The conversation might go like this: “Can...
Feb 9, 2010
By Rabbi Asher Brander
Masechet Bava Batra 168a-174b
Masechet Bava Batra 168a-174b
The Coming Week’s Daf Yomi by Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz This essay is based upon the insights and chidushim (original ideas) of Talmudic scholar Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, as published in the Hebrew...
Feb 4, 2010
By Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz
The Authentic Word of Torah
The Authentic Word of Torah
In a well-known passage, the Mechilta relates that the Holy One offered the Torah to the various nations of antiquity, but that all of them rejected it because of specific objections...
Feb 4, 2010
By Rabbi Norman Lamm
Yitro: Visiting the Sick
Yitro: Visiting the Sick
In section 335 of Yoreh Deah, the Tur brings a number of explanations for the requirement of visiting the sick and for the details of this mitzva. All of the explanations...
Feb 4, 2010
By Asher Meir
Yitro: A Parental Calling, A Child’s Obligation
Yitro: A Parental Calling, A Child’s Obligation
A classic breakdown runs of the Aseret HaDibrot (Ten Commandments) distinguishes between 1-5 and 6-10. The first five are the man-God commandments and last five are the man-man commandments. Before we...
Feb 3, 2010
By Rabbi Asher Brander
Masechet Bava Batra 161a-167b
Masechet Bava Batra 161a-167b
The Coming Week’s Daf Yomi by Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz This essay is based upon the insights and chidushim (original ideas) of Talmudic scholar Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, as published in the Hebrew...
Jan 28, 2010
By Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz

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