Torah 948 articles

Masechet Sanhedrin 35a-41b
Masechet Sanhedrin 35a-41b
The Coming Week’s Daf Yomi by Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz This essay is based upon the insights and chidushim (original ideas) of Talmudic scholar Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, as published in the Hebrew...
Mar 18, 2010
By Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz
Vayikra: Eating on Erev Pesach
Vayikra: Eating on Erev Pesach
The Shulchan Aruch states that it is forbidden to eat a bread meal from the tenth hour onward on Erev Pesach (SA OC 571:1). (Of course the reference is to matza...
Mar 18, 2010
By Asher Meir
Teaching the Value of Freedom at the Seder
Teaching the Value of Freedom at the Seder
Imagine the following Seder “teaching” technique. (Full disclosure: my wife has forbidden me from actually doing this at our Seder this year. Or any year.) After Kiddush, sometime after eating the...
Mar 17, 2010
By Rabbi Reuven Spolter
Vayikra: Holiness – Jewish Style!
Vayikra: Holiness – Jewish Style!
No book of the Torah requires greater effort to discover nuggets of contemporary relevance than Vayikra. And no book yields greater gold. Let the mining begin! Two paradigm korbanos (sacrifices), Olah...
Mar 17, 2010
By Rabbi Asher Brander
Vayakhel-Pekudei: The Most Precious Thing of All
Vayakhel-Pekudei: The Most Precious Thing of All
Ours is a parsha of construction. First we account for the Mishkan materials Take from among yourselves a terumah-offering to Ad-noy. Every man whose heart impels him to generosity...
Mar 11, 2010
By Rabbi Asher Brander
Vayakhel-Pekudei: Work Done by a Non-Jew on Shabbat
Vayakhel-Pekudei: Work Done by a Non-Jew on Shabbat
At the beginning of our parsha we learn that we may do work only on six days (Shemot 35:2). Based on this verse, the Midrash learns that another verse which says...
Mar 11, 2010
By Asher Meir
Masechet Sanhedrin 28a-34b
Masechet Sanhedrin 28a-34b
The Coming Week’s Daf Yomi by Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz This essay is based upon the insights and chidushim (original ideas) of Talmudic scholar Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, as published in the Hebrew...
Mar 11, 2010
By Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz
Writing the Story
Writing the Story
Moses is described as the “safra rabah, the great scribe of Israel” (Sotah 13b). Moses was surely a scribe in the technical sense; as Rambam noted in his Introduction to the...
Mar 9, 2010
By Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik
Jewish Law: Selling Chametz
Jewish Law: Selling Chametz
The Torah forbids a Jew, during Pesach, not just from eating chametz but even from deriving benefit from his chametz. Furthermore, there is an additional prohibition of even owning chametz on...
Mar 8, 2010
By Rabbi Yosef Fleischman
Ki Tisa: The Sin of Silence
Ki Tisa: The Sin of Silence
Much of the Golden Calf saga confounds. Among the classic elements of inquiry are: a. What precisely was their sin? b. What role did Aharon play? c. Why does...
Mar 3, 2010
By Rabbi Asher Brander

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