Torah 948 articles

Masechet Shevuot 19a-25b
Masechet Shevuot 19a-25b
The Coming Week’s Daf Yomi by Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz This essay is based upon the insights and chidushim (original ideas) of Talmudic scholar Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, as published in the Hebrew...
Jul 14, 2010
By Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz
Devarim: Learning Torah on Tisha B’Av
Devarim: Learning Torah on Tisha B’Av
One of the expressions of mourning on Tisha beAv is that we refrain from studying Torah, just as a mourner does (SA OC 554). The gemara bases this rule on the...
Jul 14, 2010
By Asher Meir
Masei: Names on a List
Masei: Names on a List
When my children grow up, I imagine that one day we’ll look at the old photos and tell them about the places where we lived. “Well, we got married and lived...
Jul 8, 2010
By Rabbi Reuven Spolter
Matot-Masei: Birkhat Kohanim Without Shoes
Matot-Masei: Birkhat Kohanim Without Shoes
One of the nine decrees of Rabban Yochanan ben Zakkai is that the Kohanim are not allowed to wear sandals when they ascend the duchan to bless the congregation (Rosh HaShana...
Jul 7, 2010
By Asher Meir
Matot: It’s the Thought
Matot: It’s the Thought
“All’s well that ends well” is one of many pithy maxims that enter our world from the backdoor of Western culture. While most aphorisms seem harmless enough and this particular one...
Jul 7, 2010
By Rabbi Asher Brander
Masechet Shevuot 12a-18b
Masechet Shevuot 12a-18b
The Coming Week’s Daf Yomi by Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz This essay is based upon the insights and chidushim (original ideas) of Talmudic scholar Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, as published in the Hebrew...
Jul 6, 2010
By Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz
Pinchas: A Lasting Legacy
Pinchas: A Lasting Legacy
Last week I officiated at the wedding of an old classmate from grade school. It was great to participate in his wedding, and I enjoyed being a part of their simcha....
Jul 1, 2010
By Rabbi Reuven Spolter
Masechet Shavuot 5a-11b
Masechet Shavuot 5a-11b
The Coming Week’s Daf Yomi by Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz This essay is based upon the insights and chidushim (original ideas) of Talmudic scholar Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, as published in the Hebrew...
Jul 1, 2010
By Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz
Pinchas: Remembering the Temple during Times of Joy
Pinchas: Remembering the Temple during Times of Joy
The three-week period from the 17th of Tammuz to the ninth of Av is marked by various mourning customs meant to commemorate the destruction of the Temple. For example, Ashkenazim don’t...
Jul 1, 2010
By Asher Meir
Masechet Makkot 21a-24b
Masechet Makkot 21a-24b
The Coming Week’s Daf Yomi by Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz This essay is based upon the insights and chidushim (original ideas) of Talmudic scholar Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, as published in the Hebrew...
Jun 24, 2010
By Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz

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