Singles as Shadchanim: Singles Uniting Network
A new model of matchmaking in Maryland called “SUN,” or Singles Uniting Network, is taking shidduchim out of the hands of official shadchanim and placing it into the hands of singles....
Feb 2, 2017
By Sara Spielman
Inquiries or Inquisitions: A Rabbi’s Perspective on the Shidduch...
“Do you know if anyone in his family is taking medications and what those medications are for?” “Can you give me the name of a friend of her father and a...
Nov 6, 2015
By Rabbi Efrem Goldberg
Still Single? Maybe Your Local Government can Help
The local council of Beit El has come up with an original way to deal with the bachelorhood issue in the community: The council has begun employing matchmakers to help single...
Feb 2, 2015
By OU Staff

Too Smart to Get Married
I got a call from a fellow who said, “Rebbe, you have to help me.” “Sure, sure. What’s up?” I replied. “Well, I was set up with this girl, and I...
Dec 23, 2014
By Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier

The Bashert Test
One of the greatest challenges in life is finding the balance between bitachon and histadlus—recognizing that HASHEM runs the world, yet actively doing our part. If this is difficult in many...
Dec 18, 2014
By Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier

Met Through NCSY: The Riesels’ Story
Finding one’s spouse can be a daunting process, but for the Riesels it was nothing short of miraculous. They had G-d guiding them with NCSY unwittingly acting as their matchmaker. Because Heshy Riesel grew in...
Mar 13, 2014
By OU Staff

Texting, Chatting, and That Thing We Used to Call...
The "text break-up" has been rightly condemned. Should the "tech-relationship" be as well?
Feb 13, 2013
By Chana Mayefsky

“High-Tech Matchmaking Gets Rabbinic Approval”
Steve Savitsky talks with Moshe Coan about Zivug Zone, a new online dating service that " scientific research that supports 'the compatibility principle,'" creating a unique matching system that only shows...
Jan 24, 2013
By Stephen Savitsky

The Right Match? Filling the Gaps in the Shidduch...
Although marital discord can be attributed to lack of preparation, insufficient effort, or inappropriate expectations, marriages often fail because the couple is simply not a match.
Sep 13, 2012
By Lisa Twerski, LCSW

Six Conversations About Marriage: A Guide
To put it bluntly: when we get married we place our future happiness in the hands of our mate. The way our spouse treats us – through his or her unencumbered...
Sep 5, 2012
By Moshe Hauer
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