Parenting 551 articles

Need a crash course on teenage girls? A sense of parental camaraderie? A good laugh? Enter OU Life’s Parenting section; it’ll get you out of trouble and back in the parenting game.

Motivating Your Child
Motivating Your Child
How do you motivate your child? What makes a child apathetic versus what can make a child strive to do their best? A new Parent Is a Verb, with Barry and...
Sep 8, 2009
By Barry and Chanie Holzer
Helping Your Child Succeed in School
Helping Your Child Succeed in School
Can we really help out kids do well in school? Or are they born academics and non-academics?
Aug 31, 2009
By Sarah Chana Radcliffe
Ki Teitzei: Education of Children
Ki Teitzei: Education of Children
Our parsha contains the laws of the “ben sorer”, the rebellious son. The sad fate of this youngster draws our attention to the commandment of educating children. In particular, the Mishna...
Aug 27, 2009
By Asher Meir
Sibling Rivalry
Sibling Rivalry
Why can’t we all get along? Why is this rivalry and competition so routine? A new Parent Is a Verb, with Barry and Chanie Holzer on OURadio.
Aug 25, 2009
By Barry and Chanie Holzer
Helping Your Child Make Friends
Helping Your Child Make Friends
Can parents help their child make friends? Or is it a natural skill that some children have and some children don’t?
Aug 17, 2009
By Sarah Chana Radcliffe
Genetic Patterning: A Step in Time
Genetic Patterning: A Step in Time
“I’m going, Mama.” She looks up from the stove where my favorite food is cooking. Lamb chops and mashed potatoes. I wonder what Miriam’s mother will make for supper. That familiar...
Aug 11, 2009
By Sarah Sofer
Raising a Resilient Child
Raising a Resilient Child
How can you raise a child who bounces back from diversity and can handle disappointments in life? A new Parent Is a Verb, with Barry and Chanie Holzer on OURadio.
Aug 11, 2009
By Barry and Chanie Holzer
Helping Kids Make Decisions
Helping Kids Make Decisions
Some kids are natural decision makers, others are afraid to make any decisions at all. What can you do to make your child a good decision maker?
Aug 3, 2009
By Sarah Chana Radcliffe
The Picture on the Fridge
The Picture on the Fridge
My eldest granddaughter turned eight years old this year. I have not seen her or spoken to her in more than six months, and wonder what new achievements and milestones she...
Jul 28, 2009
By Sara Black
Anxiety In Your Children: Part II
Anxiety In Your Children: Part II
Listen to part 1 here. Anxiety in your child and how to help them with it. What is more than normal worrying? Barry and Chanie Holzer , hosts of Parent Is...
Jul 28, 2009
By Barry and Chanie Holzer

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