Parenting 551 articles

Need a crash course on teenage girls? A sense of parental camaraderie? A good laugh? Enter OU Life’s Parenting section; it’ll get you out of trouble and back in the parenting game.

Avoid Asking Why
Avoid Asking Why
Children are often irrational, illogical and unreasonable. This is normal behavior for kids but tough for us parents. Developmentally, they are not rational beings and still have a lot of growing...
Dec 5, 2013
By Adina Soclof
How to Help Your Child Follow the Rules
Children ask a lot of “Why” questions. Children can use “Why” questions to gain information about the world around them and to satisfy their curiosity. They can also use “Why” questions...
Nov 26, 2013
By Adina Soclof
Stop Sibling Rivalry: 5 Ways to Have  A Peaceful Dinner
Stop Sibling Rivalry: 5 Ways to Have A...
Dear Adina, My kids are always fighting over who sits where at the dinner table. They all want to sit near my husband. Every day there is a battle. I am...
Nov 19, 2013
By Adina Soclof
Teach Your Children to Give by Example
Chanukah is right around the corner and who doesn’t love Chanukah? Everyone enjoys the candles glowing in the window, playing dreidel, eating latkes and sufganiyot and lots of family parties. But...
Nov 13, 2013
By Adina Soclof
My Child is a Thief
My Child is a Thief
Question: My 5-year old son has been stealing. I found money he took from a neighbor’s house. He also came home from school with money I know for sure he didn’t...
Nov 4, 2013
By Adina Soclof
Finding Common Ground With Your Spouse
Finding Common Ground With Your Spouse
Yitzchok and Rivka are obviously a match made in heaven however they do differ in their parenting methods. It is not so different for in our marriages, many times our husbands...
Oct 23, 2013
By Adina Soclof
Getting Your Kids to Follow Through
Getting Your Kids to Follow Through
Do you sign your child up for soccer, piano, karate and then after 3 classes he decides he has had enough? Here are some helpful tips on getting your children to...
Oct 14, 2013
By Adina Soclof
Sibling Rivalry
Sibling Rivalry
This may sound counterintuitive, but to change a child's behavior, we need to focus on their positive behavior, what he/she is doing right instead of what he/she is doing wrong.
Oct 7, 2013
By Adina Soclof
Dinner Without the Whine
Dinner Without the Whine
Whining is one of those behaviors that drives parent’s crazy. The best way to stop the whining is not by telling your kids to “Stop whining!” but rather to teach your...
Oct 2, 2013
By Adina Soclof
Writing Thank-You Notes to our Helpers
Writing Thank-You Notes to our Helpers
Sometimes going the extra mile to make a loved one feel appreciated is the best way to keep their spirits up. This becomes especially pertinent during the stressful weeks leading up...
Sep 16, 2013
By Adina Soclof

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