Parenting 551 articles

Need a crash course on teenage girls? A sense of parental camaraderie? A good laugh? Enter OU Life’s Parenting section; it’ll get you out of trouble and back in the parenting game.

4 Simple Ways To Stop Criticizing Your Kids
4 Simple Ways To Stop Criticizing Your Kids
“I know I am overly critical, but I can’t seem to stop myself!” “My kids get hurt and upset when I tell them what to do. Am I being too harsh?”...
Dec 21, 2016
By Adina Soclof
Post Yom Tov Blues: 3 Ways To Get Your...
Sadly, the Yom Tovim have ended. Now it is back to life. Most parents and children do better with a routine. However, when we have not been on a regular schedule...
Oct 27, 2016
By Adina Soclof
5 Phrases That Stop Chutzpah In It’s Tracks
Yom Tov is coming up. We might not want to admit it, but it can be a tense time. There is a lot of work to be done and not so...
Sep 21, 2016
By Adina Soclof
5 Ways To Get Your Children To Love The...
The Jewish Holidays are right around the corner. In just 2 weeks it is Rosh Hashana. Although we are all busy cooking, and cleaning, we don’t want to forget our kids....
Sep 21, 2016
By Adina Soclof
Top 4 Ways to Teach Your Kids How to...
Knowing how to pray is probably one of the most essential tools that a Jew needs to live his life in a meaningful way. It is through prayer that we connect...
Sep 15, 2016
By Adina Soclof
End Of The Summer Blues: Tips For Getting Your...
It is that time of year again, the end of summer and the back to school grind. There are a lot of changes happening during this time. My 2 younger children...
Sep 5, 2016
By Adina Soclof
Parenting 101: Surviving the Summer’s End
At the beginning of the summer we had our Lunchbreak Webinar, “School’s Out: Family Friendly Lessons to Learn”. In the class, we had some great ideas on how to manage those...
Aug 17, 2016
By Adina Soclof
Helping Kids With Summer Homework
Q: How do you schedule and follow through having the kids do school summer homework packet? A: Hi, thanks for reaching out. You asked about how to get your kids to do...
Aug 7, 2016
By Devorah Katz
Join us for our Summer Lunch Break Parenting Webinar...
School is out! It is so much fun; I still remember that feeling of relief and unmitigated joy on the last day of school. I am so happy for my kids,...
Jun 30, 2016
By Adina Soclof
Shavuot: Use Words To Promote Achdut At Home
Shavuot: Use Words To Promote Achdut At Home
As we approach Shavuot,a time when the Jewish people were unified at Har Sinai, we will read The pasuk “Vayichan sham Yisrael neged ha’har–and the Jews encamped opposite the mountain.” Vayichan is...
Jun 9, 2016
By Adina Soclof

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