Meet the OU 6 articles

There are so many individuals who devote their time, resources, and careers to enhancing Jewish life and impacting the Jewish community. Our new profile series, Meet the OU, will introduce you to these dedicated professionals and lay leaders who power all of the OU’s programs and services.
Prioritizing Chesed: OU Board Member and Advocacy Center Chairman Yitzie Pretter
Prioritizing Chesed: OU Board Member and Advocacy Center Chairman...
Yitzie Pretter’s personal mantra is, “We’ll have plenty of time to rest after 120.”  In the interim, he intends to live life to the fullest and do as much chesed and...
May 15, 2024
By OU Staff
For Teach NJ Executive Director Katie Katz, It’s All...
At almost eight years old, Rory Katz of Teaneck, New Jersey, already knows where she wants to work when she’s older: Teach New Jersey, where her mother, Katie, serves as the...
Aug 23, 2023
By OU Staff
The HR Specialist Taking Care of the OU’s Most Valuable Resources 
The most valuable resources of any organization are its employees. Ensuring the right people are in the right positions and are happy in their environment is a formidable task.  Meet Renee...
Jun 7, 2023
By OU Staff
Rabbi Simon Taylor, An Architect of Jewish Community
Rabbi Simon Taylor, An Architect of Jewish Community
Architecture – that was the career Rabbi Simon Taylor was working toward when he decided he’d rather help build the Jewish community than houses.   Growing up in London, England, Rabbi Taylor’s...
Mar 29, 2023
By OU Staff
Just Do It: OU Board Member Efrat Zisblatt Dives Right In
Just Do It: OU Board Member Efrat Zisblatt Dives...
OU board member Efrat (Effie) Zisblatt is a doer. The Cornell and Stanford-educated lawyer who also holds an MA in Economics, has raised four children who are beautifully emulating her values...
Feb 2, 2023
By OU Staff
For Avromie Adler, International Director of Yachad, Integration Is Key
For Avromie Adler, International Director of Yachad, Integration Is...
Jewish communal work is in Avromie Adler’s DNA. “My mother worked the Sunday morning shift at Cleveland’s chevrah kadisha (society of Jewish people who prepare the deceased for burial) for years,...
Nov 30, 2022
By OU Staff

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