Israel 551 articles

The Jewish Homeland. Keep abreast of what’s occurring there not only on a national level, but on a personal one.

Neot Kedumim
Neot Kedumim
In summer, fig trees bear their succulent fruit. In the fall, boughs of olives suggest the impending harvest. By winter, citrons hang heavy with their magnificent scent. And by spring, flowers...
Jun 20, 2007
By Lisa Alcalay Klug
Parashat Korach: What Will Your Revolution Be?
Parashat Korach: What Will Your Revolution Be?
Parashat Korach 5767 Part One: The Soldiers of King David Part Two: To Merit vs. To Be Chosen Part Three: Your Revolution Part One: The Soldiers of King David I recall...
Jun 14, 2007
By Rabbi Nachman Kahana
Bnei Akiva in Cairo
Bnei Akiva in Cairo
Land of My Birth – During the year 1944 (5704-5), some soldiers from the “Jewish Brigade” were stationed in Egypt. This was a Jewish fighting force that was part of the...
Jun 13, 2007
By Zev Wallack
Parashat She’lach: The Cry of the Spies
Parashat She’lach: The Cry of the Spies
Part One: Living The Miracle Part Two: Larger than Life Part Three: Looking Back Part One: Living The Miracle In the wake of the tragic episode of the meraglim (spies), who...
Jun 7, 2007
By Rabbi Nachman Kahana
Bringing in the First Fruits
Bringing in the First Fruits
A kilometer away from our community of Rosh Tzurim in Gush Etzion, is a dirt road named Derech Avot, the way of the Patriarchs. In this area our forefathers and ancestors...
May 31, 2007
By Adina Hershberg
Rabbi Weinreb in Sderot: From Laughing to Crying and Back Again
Rabbi Weinreb in Sderot: From Laughing to Crying and...
On Thursday May 31, Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb, his wife Chavi, and a number of other OU representatives, visited Sderot. Below are the messages Rabbi Weinreb sent while there. I....
May 31, 2007
By Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb
If There Is No Flour…
If There Is No Flour…
Land of My Birth – The main link between Eretz Yisrael and the Diaspora during the time of exile was through a “Shadar” – a messenger sent to collect donations for...
May 31, 2007
By Zev Wallack
Where Are the Flags?
Where Are the Flags?
For a few days, I thought that perhaps I was misremembering. But as the days after Pesach continued to flow by, it was clear. Something was different. In years past, almost...
May 22, 2007
By Daniel Gordis
Jerusalem: A Love Story
Jerusalem: A Love Story
I cannot sleep; your pearly dawn beckons. I arise and watch the clouds move across a pink and blue-gray sky. The necklace of streetlights goes out and the sunrise illuminates the...
May 17, 2007
By Michelle Gordon, winner of OU Jerusalem Writing Contest
The Poet Alcharizi in Jerusalem
The Poet Alcharizi in Jerusalem
Land of My Birth – Rabbi Yehuda Alcharizi was born in 1170. He was the last poet in a long and distinguished line of Jewish poets in Spain, and nobody as...
May 17, 2007
By Zev Wallack

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