Israel 551 articles

The Jewish Homeland. Keep abreast of what’s occurring there not only on a national level, but on a personal one.

The Israel Museum
The Israel Museum
Although the Romans stole ancient Israel’s greatest treasures with the destruction of the Beit HaMikdash, the richest collection of Jewish artifacts, archaeological finds and works of art still resides in Jerusalem....
Jul 18, 2007
By Lisa Alcalay Klug
Parashat Matot-Maasei: Trains, Annulled Vows, Dropping the Torch and Anachronisms
Parashat Matot-Maasei: Trains, Annulled Vows, Dropping the Torch and...
Parashat Matot-Maasei 5767 Part one: Two Trains Part Two: Annulled Vows Part three: Who do you love more, your father or your mother? Part four: Our grandmothers and the torch Part...
Jul 12, 2007
By Rabbi Nachman Kahana
The Battle of the “Exodus” Against the British Army
The Battle of the “Exodus” Against the British Army
Land of My Birth – Sixty years ago, on the eve of Rosh Chodesh Av 5707 (1947), an immigration ship by the name of “Leaving Europe 5707” (also known as “Exodus...
Jul 11, 2007
By Zev Wallack
Make Noise
Make Noise
written June 20, 2007 There comes a moment in every one’s life when time stands still… I have always been told about moments where peoples lives “flash before their eyes” and...
Jul 5, 2007
By Gila Kanal
Parashat Pinchas: Open Roads, Zealotry and Shallow Vessels
Parashat Pinchas: Open Roads, Zealotry and Shallow Vessels
Parashat Pinchas 5767 Part One: Born out of sin, continued in transgression Part Two: The Agony and the Tragedy Part Three: Zealotry misplaced Part Four: Anonymity, derision, heroism, condemnation Part One:...
Jul 5, 2007
By Rabbi Nachman Kahana
The Bomb in the Bag
The Bomb in the Bag
It wasn’t really a bomb, don’t worry. You are safe. We were safe. Then we laughed. I’d almost gotten to the front of the line, thinking about what to make the...
Jul 5, 2007
By Sarah Shapiro
The Destiny of Free Will
The Destiny of Free Will
Early afternoon found me in one of my favorite places in Israel – a cab – returning from my very favorite place in Israel – the Western Wall. As we wove...
Jun 28, 2007
By Rabbi Leiby Burnham
Moshe Montefiore in Chevron
Moshe Montefiore in Chevron
Land of My Birth – Sir Moshe Montefiore was an extremely wealthy Jewish banker who lived a respectable life in London. But when he reached the age of 40, he decided...
Jun 28, 2007
By Zev Wallack
Parashat Balak: World War, Impossible Tasks
Parashat Balak: World War, Impossible Tasks
Part One: Yalkut Shimoni – Iran will destroy the world Part Two: Avraham’s Disciples Part Three: Building Walls, Closing Doors Part One: Yalkut Shimoni, “Iran will destroy the world” HaShem appoints...
Jun 28, 2007
By Rabbi Nachman Kahana
Parashat Chukat: Getting Your Hands Dirty
Parashat Chukat: Getting Your Hands Dirty
Part One: Dirty Hands Part Two: The Unity of the Red Heifer Part Three: Collective Force Part One: Dirty Hands Our parsha begins with the unfathomable ritual of para aduma, the...
Jun 21, 2007
By Rabbi Nachman Kahana

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