Israel 551 articles

The Jewish Homeland. Keep abreast of what’s occurring there not only on a national level, but on a personal one.

Convoy to Sderot
Convoy to Sderot
I wanted to do more than just send the occasional cake for Shabbat. The email caught my eye. It described the plan for people from all over Israel to meet near...
Oct 11, 2007
By Adina Hershberg
20 Things I Love About Israel
20 Things I Love About Israel
1. Being able to speak to G-d on a local call. There is simply no place in the world, with the palpable sanctity of the Kotel, Home of G-d. 2. The...
Sep 25, 2007
By Rabbi Leiby Burnham
Succot and Shemini Atzeret: The Spirit of the Sukkah and Iran, The Final Redemption
Succot and Shemini Atzeret: The Spirit of the Sukkah...
Sukkot and Shemini Atzeret 5768 Part One: Yehoshua bin Nun and Shemini Atzeret Part Two: Iran, The Final Redemption Part One: Yehoshua bin Nun and Shemini Atzeret The Gemara in Pesachim...
Sep 25, 2007
By Rabbi Nachman Kahana
End of Elul E-mail to God, and My Fellow Man
End of Elul E-mail to God, and My Fellow...
End of Elul 5767 Part One: Elokim Mail Part Two: Yishmael Has a Case! Part One: Elokim Mail To the Exalted One, Creator of All Things, Rebono Shel Olam; I am...
Sep 11, 2007
By Rabbi Nachman Kahana
Parashat Nitzavim Vayalech: Tall Towers and Restoring a Synagogue
Parashat Nitzavim Vayalech: Tall Towers and Restoring a Synagogue
Nitzavim Vayalech 5767 Part One: Towers Part Two: Restoring a Synagogue Part One: Towers The Gemara in Sukkah 52b says “Four things Hashem regrets having brought into the world: Galut, Kasdim...
Sep 6, 2007
By Rabbi Nachman Kahana
The First Shemitta, at the Time of the First Aliyah
The First Shemitta, at the Time of the First...
Land of My Birth – Six years had passed since the beginning of the “First Aliyah” in the year 5642 (1882). And indeed a revolution had begun in the land, with...
Sep 6, 2007
By Zev Wallack
Faith in Chevron
Faith in Chevron
A minyan of cars weaved its way through the tan and green countryside of the Judean Hills. My husband and I lagged behind because we had stopped to pick up trempistim,...
Aug 30, 2007
By Adina Hershberg
The First President as a Child
The First President as a Child
Land of My Birth – Chaim Weizmann was born in 5634 (1874) in the town of Motol in Belarus, the third son in a family of twelve children. As a child...
Aug 24, 2007
By Zev Wallack
“Allah is a mouse?!”
“Allah is a mouse?!”
Being an immigrant to any new culture means having nearly limitless opportunities to humiliate oneself. The cultural and linguistic land-mines that await the newcomer to Israel are so numerous as to...
Aug 23, 2007
By David Bogner
Showering With Love
Showering With Love
I felt like I was the prophet Yonah, fleeing from G-d and His will. It all started at my weekly class on tefilla, prayer. One of the women in the class...
Aug 22, 2007
By Adina Hershberg

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