Israel 551 articles

The Jewish Homeland. Keep abreast of what’s occurring there not only on a national level, but on a personal one.

When Minister Shapiro Was Wounded in the Knesset
When Minister Shapiro Was Wounded in the Knesset
Land of My Birth – The country was still young, and the security force in the Knesset was not well organized yet. This is the only reasonable way to explain how...
Jan 10, 2008
By Zev Wallack
Parashat Shemot: The Flag and the Song
Parashat Shemot: The Flag and the Song
Parashat Shemot 5768 Read last year’s dvar torah – Parashat Shemot 5767 Parashat Shemot 5768 In your Torah experiences of yeshiva learning or rabbis’ speeches etc., did you ever come across...
Dec 27, 2007
By Rabbi Nachman Kahana
When the Bachelors Were Expelled from the Old City of Jerusalem
When the Bachelors Were Expelled from the Old City...
Land of My Birth – In the beginning of the eighteenth century the Jewish community of Jerusalem grew, reaching a total of about 10,000 by the year 1741. The area was...
Dec 27, 2007
By Zev Wallack
Parashat Vayechi: I Would Rather Not Witness the Redemption
Parashat Vayechi: I Would Rather Not Witness the Redemption
Parashat Vayechi 5768 and The Tenth of Tevet (Read last year’s dvar torah too – Parashat Vayechi 5767) PART ONE: The Tenth of Tevet PART TWO: I Would Prefer Not To Be Here...
Dec 20, 2007
By Rabbi Nachman Kahana
At the Bus Stop
At the Bus Stop
Prologue Before making aliyah, we owned a car. I mention this only to point out it was seldom that I rode the city buses. In fact, I can only recall one...
Dec 20, 2007
By Esther Heller
Parashat Vayechi 5768
Parashat Vayechi 5768
Parashat Vayechi 5768 Parashat Vayechi – If you will it, it is not a dream Text Message Responsa Stories of Rabbenu – Our Rabbi: Ha-Rav Tzvi Yehudah Ha-Cohain Kook – Mourning...
Dec 20, 2007
By Rabbi Shlomo Aviner
“Help Me in My Troubles”
“Help Me in My Troubles”
Holy and Secular – Just as I was leaving my car, the announcer began a curious monologue. It was a little before eight o’clock in the morning, and my radio was...
Dec 20, 2007
By Rabbi Amichai Gordin
Parashat Vayigash: Breaking Out of the 4 Walls, As God Decrees
Parashat Vayigash: Breaking Out of the 4 Walls, As...
Parashat Vayigash 5768 PART ONE: Breaking Out of Our 4 Walls PART TWO: Man’s Best Efforts, God’s Decree PART ONE: Breaking Out of Our 4 Walls A year has past since...
Dec 13, 2007
By Rabbi Nachman Kahana
A Cab Ride From Beer Sheva to Beirut
A Cab Ride From Beer Sheva to Beirut
OK, truth be told, I didn’t actually take a taxi to the capital of Hezbollah-land. But judging by the number of cabs who flatly refused to take me from Beer Sheva...
Dec 13, 2007
By David Bogner
The Old Kibbutznik
The Old Kibbutznik
When my daughter, Ayelet, was a student several years ago at the Bar Ilan University, she was asked to join a group of orthodox students doing Gishur work (bridging the gap)...
Dec 13, 2007
By Leah Abramowitz

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