Israel 551 articles

The Jewish Homeland. Keep abreast of what’s occurring there not only on a national level, but on a personal one.

Forgetting Jerusalem
Forgetting Jerusalem
At many Jewish weddings, the custom of breaking a glass is often accompanied by the recitation or singing of ‘Im Eshkachech’: “If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand...
May 21, 2009
By David Bogner
A Papal Land Grab
A Papal Land Grab
Pope Benedict XVI’s recent eight-day pilgrimage to Jordan, Israel and the Palestinian territories can best be understood in historical perspective. When in 1904 Theodor Herzl, founder of Zionism, turned to Pope...
May 20, 2009
By Gil Zohar
Behind the Beard, Without the Kippa
Behind the Beard, Without the Kippa
On a clear day in Gush Etzion, you can see for miles. And if you know the history of the region, you can feel its spirit in your bones. You drive...
Apr 30, 2009
By Elisheva Rosenblatt
Helping Our Soldiers
Helping Our Soldiers
Apr 27, 2009
By Terry LaBan
Show and Tel: The Big Orange Celebrates its Centenary
Show and Tel: The Big Orange Celebrates its Centenary
Tel Aviv – the brash, provocative, multicultural and tolerant metropolis called by some the Big Orange – is throwing a year-long birthday bash in honor of the city’s centenary. Judging by...
Apr 21, 2009
By Gil Zohar
Second Thoughts: Price of Progress
Second Thoughts: Price of Progress
The rabbis tell us that our physical world is a down-to-earth image of the heavenly spheres. The plan of the Beit Hamikdash, for example, is based on kabbalistic architectural plans which...
Mar 18, 2009
By Yaffa Ganz
A Path to the Fathers
A Path to the Fathers
The students at Kiryat Yearim Elementary School in Ramat Hasharon sat through their first period classes oblivious to the flurry of preparation going on in the miklat beneath their school yard....
Mar 18, 2009
By Elisheva Rosenblatt
Lev Yehudi: Gather the Jews
Lev Yehudi: Gather the Jews
On Purim night, OU Israel’s Lev Yehudi program hosted an evening of grogger making, megillah reading and entertainment. Lev Yehudi reaches out to Jews in the Tel Aviv area, introducing them...
Mar 12, 2009
By Photos by Yitz Woolf
A Letter Is Worth…
A Letter Is Worth…
Purim music streaming from the truck, they drove from base to base delivering Mishloach Manot. As they pulled out, soldiers poured out of the buildings. There was singing, there was dancing,...
Mar 12, 2009
By Abba Richman (photos)
Government Reform in Israel Must be a Priority
Government Reform in Israel Must be a Priority
Winston Churchill once famously quipped that democracy was the worst form of government – except for all the others. But then Britain’s wartime PM never met Israel’s dysfunctional form of parliamentary...
Mar 4, 2009
By Gil Zohar

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