Israel 551 articles

The Jewish Homeland. Keep abreast of what’s occurring there not only on a national level, but on a personal one.

I’m in America in college, My friends are in...
This past summer, I decided it was time to go on my birthright to Israel. That decision changed my life. With 40 other students from New York, I traveled to the...
Nov 20, 2012
By OU Staff
Beer Sheva 11 20, 2012
Beer Sheva 11 20, 2012
Imagine going to work today. You are rushed and the bus is full. A siren sounds and the bus stops as it is required to do. Passengers get off, and find...
Nov 20, 2012
By OU Staff
<em>You</em> Need to Fight Israel’s Second War
You Need to Fight Israel’s Second War
For many in the media, the reporting on Israel is neither fair nor balanced (or, worse, accurate at all).
Nov 20, 2012
By Rabbi Efrem Goldberg
Sandy in the East and the Sandy South
Sandy in the East and the Sandy South
Israel and the United States have had a lot in common recently. While rockets rain down on southern Israel, torrential rain and havoc-wreaking winds have cruelly visited the eastern coast of...
Nov 17, 2012
By Adina Hershberg
An Evening of Solidarity & Support of Israel – 7:00PM this Sunday, Nov. 18
An Evening of Solidarity & Support of Israel –...
Young Israel of East Brunswick Israel Advocacy Committee and Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County Present An Evening of Solidarity & Support of Israel 7:00PM this Sunday, November 18, 2012 YOUNG...
Nov 16, 2012
By garym
Not Your Normal Shopping Carts
Not Your Normal Shopping Carts
I’m at the grocery store trying to buy food for Shabbat. Trying, because half the check out counters are empty. Many of the checkout people didn’t show up. Usually its packed...
Nov 16, 2012
By Reuven Spolter
An 18th Birthday
Yesterday was my youngest daughter’s 18th birthday. All she had asked for was for the family to join her in watching a movie with popcorn, a simple enough celebration. My middle...
Nov 16, 2012
By OU Staff
Aliya Under the Rockets
We knew there would be missiles, we know there will be a war with Iran, but we were not afraid.
Nov 16, 2012
By OU Staff
Shabat Challot
As usual, I was at the super picking our weekly Shabat Challot. But this was no ordinary erev Shabat. A number of people also came into the store but they were...
Nov 16, 2012
By OU Staff
My Son is Israel
I just returned from Israel last week and may have been standing in the exact same spot as a rocket that struck in Sdorot. I was visiting newly arrived Ethiopian olim...
Nov 16, 2012
By OU Staff

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