Israel 551 articles

The Jewish Homeland. Keep abreast of what’s occurring there not only on a national level, but on a personal one.

The Best Defense
The Best Defense
Most people forget that David Ben-Gurion’s most significant accomplishment, even more important than the declaration of the State of Israel, were his efforts to ensure its survival.
Jun 3, 2013
By Segula Magazine
The Haredi Press: Irrelevant According to Shmuel Katz
The Haredi Press: Irrelevant According to Shmuel Katz
Stephen Savitsky sits down with the Executive Director of Yeshivat Migdal Hatorah, Shmuel Katz about The Haredi Press in America. Savitsky Talks is a weekly 20 minute audio program with interviews and...
May 17, 2013
By Stephen Savitsky
“Jerusalem” by Dovid
“Jerusalem” by Dovid
This passionate music video takes you on a tour of Jerusalem's most stunning sites.
May 8, 2013
By David Green
The Lactose Intollerant Shavuot Cookbook
The Lactose Intollerant Shavuot Cookbook
Allergic to dairy and feeling left out on Shavuot? Check out these delicious lactose-free holiday recipes!
May 8, 2013
By Eileen Goltz
A Conversation With Dov Zakheim
A Conversation With Dov Zakheim
Steve talks with Dov Zakheim about a recent letter to the Israeli prime minister regarding peace with the Palestinians.
May 2, 2013
By Steven Savitsky
Wind in the Sails
Wind in the Sails
The story of one of Jerusalem's most recognizable landmarks, The Montefiore Windmill.
May 2, 2013
By Segula Magazine
A Religious, Organic <em>Kibbutz</em>
A Religious, Organic Kibbutz
Steve Savitsky interviews Sara Goldsmith, tourism manager for a fascinating kibbutz in the Valley of Spring.
Mar 21, 2013
By Stephen Savitsky
A Chareidi Woman in the IDF
A Chareidi Woman in the IDF
"I don't care if it's 'inappropriate.' This is my dream."
Mar 10, 2013
By Stephen Savitsky
Create Your Perfect Israel Vacation Itinerary
Create Your Perfect Israel Vacation Itinerary
Steve Savitsky talks with Peter Abelow, a tour-guide in Israel (among many other things), about family trip ideas in Israel.
Mar 6, 2013
By Stephen Savitsky
<em>Aliyah</em>‘s Financial Realities
Aliyah‘s Financial Realities
What you need to consider before making the move.
Jan 17, 2013
By Baruch Labinsky

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