Israel 551 articles

The Jewish Homeland. Keep abreast of what’s occurring there not only on a national level, but on a personal one.

The Amended Conversion Law: Problems and Pitfalls
One of the current hot button topics here in Israel is pending legislation to make changes in the current process of converting non-Jews to Judaism here in the Jewish state. The...
Nov 6, 2014
By Rabbi Berel Wein
One Dead in Hamas Car Terror Attack in Jerusalem
One person was killed at least ten were wounded after a car was driven into a crowd of pedestrians at the Shimon Hatzadik train station, north of the Old City of...
Nov 5, 2014
By OU Staff
Suspected Terror Suspect Killed After Jerusalem Shooting
A 32-year-old Palestinian man, suspected of Wednesday night’s shooting of Temple Mount activist Rabbi Yehuda Glick, was killed by police earlier today. Read a full report at Times of Israel.
Oct 30, 2014
By OU Staff
Jewish Conversion Up Close
“You shall love the proselyte,” Devarim 10:19. “You shall not oppress a proselyte,” Shemot 23:9 On the 3rd of Marcheshvan, Knesset law paved the way for a vote on the controversial...
Oct 29, 2014
By Bayla Sheva Brenner
Tehillim Needed for Those Injured in Jerusalem Terror Attack
Your prayers are needed following a terror attack at a Jerusalem light rail station. An infant was killed in the attack and eight more were reported as wounded. Please recite Tehillim...
Oct 22, 2014
By OU Staff
After 11 Year Vacancy, New Chief Rabbis of Jerusalem...
Rabbis Aryeh Stern and Shlomo Amar were voted Jerusalem’s new chief rabbis of on Tuesday evening, after 11 years in which the posts stood vacant. The 48 electors who cast their...
Oct 21, 2014
By OU Staff
Large protests expected at Met ‘Klinghoffer’ opening
Large crowds are expected to gather outside the Metropolitan Opera in New York Monday night, where a controversial opera about a Palestinian terror attack to set to open. Demonstrators, primarily associated...
Oct 20, 2014
By OU Staff
New Information Revealed About Ultra-Orthodox Plane Scandal
Last Saturday night, after three days of being off-line due to Rosh Hashana and Shabbos, I powered up my iPhone, and the emails started flooding in. Apparently during the holiday a...
Oct 7, 2014
By Allison Josephs
Watch and Read PM Netanyahu’s UN Address
At the UN General Assembly, Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu defended Israel’s military actions against Hamas over the summer, and explained how ISIS and Hamas are two of a kind. Watch...
Sep 30, 2014
By OU Staff
Are You Mossad Material?
Is there a Jewish James Bond among us? The Mossad seems to think so. Israel’s super-secretive intelligence agency recently launched an online recruitment campaign, complete with promotional video and application. Watch...
Sep 29, 2014
By OU Staff

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