Israel 551 articles

The Jewish Homeland. Keep abreast of what’s occurring there not only on a national level, but on a personal one.

What Does it Mean to be the Parent of...
Yom Hazikaron Address by Rabbi Kenneth Brander to the Yeshiva University student body in Lamport Auditorium, April 22, 2015. I have no idea of what it means to be a Chayal....
Apr 23, 2015
By Rabbi Kenneth Brander
Parents’ Perspective on Their Children’s Aliyah
This essay first appeared in Yeshiva University’s publication “Torah To Go” for Pesach 5775. Republished with permission. What motivated some of our children to make aliyah? Nothing comes from nothing. Many...
Apr 23, 2015
By Rebbetzin Meira Davis
Israel Celebrates its 67th Birthday
Though snow and scattered rain showers fell in parts of the country, thousands of Israeli citizens and visitors gathered Thursday in parks and beaches, at official ceremonies and even in the...
Apr 23, 2015
By OU Staff
Country Bows Its Head to 23,320 Fallen
Israelis will come to a stop Tuesday evening to honor 23,320 fallen soldiers and civilian victims of wars and terrorism. A minute-long siren will sound out around the country at 8...
Apr 21, 2015
By OU Staff
Treat Your Children to the Summer of a Lifetime...
Camp Dror, an OU Israel project, is a truly unique 2 ½ week summer experience in Israel. A sleep-away camp for youth entering grades 6-10. Because it is located in the...
Apr 1, 2015
By OU Staff
Was a Parah Adumah Discovered in New Jersey?
A fully red cow, which appears to be usable as the biblical Red Heifer or Parah Adumah, has been attracting increasing attention on a small farm outside of Lakewood, New Jersey....
Mar 31, 2015
By OU Staff
Holy Fire: Remembering the Sassoon Children
“OK, only around 750 pages left.” Guilty as charged. I’ll admit it: there are a few moments every year in shul during the Yamim Nora’im in which I find myself impatiently...
Mar 24, 2015
By Michal Kupchik
Live Election Coverage from Arutz 7 and the OU
Arutz Sheva and the Orthodox Union will hold a special late night (in Israel) audio and videocast as the results of the Israeli election come. in this evening. It will feature...
Mar 17, 2015
By OU Staff
Israeli Voters go to the Polls – Follow the...
Follow the latest media reports as Israelis cast their votes for the 20th Knesset: Jerusalem Post Ha’aretz Arutz 7 Times of Israel
Mar 17, 2015
By OU Staff
The Battle For the “Soul” of Israel: Zionism is Not Enough
The Battle For the “Soul” of Israel: Zionism is...
A few months ago, a group of soldiers from Unit 8200, one of the IDF’s most elite intelligence units, sent a letter to their commanding officer refusing to be involved in...
Mar 12, 2015
By Rabbi Shaul Feldman

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