Inspiration 1711 articles

Need a boost? You’ve come to the right place. Stories and essays that center around the depth and beauty of life.

How is the OU Israel Emergency Fund Helping? Reports...
Below are a collection of reports on how OU the Israel Emergency Fund is helping during this time of crisis: Wednesday, August 13 The OU solidarity mission returned to the U.S....
Jul 15, 2014
By OU Staff
From Faith Healing to the Mikvah— Miss Wheelchair North...
As a child, Ariella Barker grew tired of people placing their hands on her shoulders and asking Jesus to make her walk. Suffering from spinal muscular dystrophy, a rare condition that...
Jul 14, 2014
By OU Staff
Alabamian Phylacteries and Red Skies: Through Tragedy and Triumph
Alabamian Phylacteries and Red Skies: Through Tragedy and Triumph
Thunder clapped around me, lightning flared above me, and rain fell upon me as I scurried to the A train this past Wednesday night through a New York City thunderstorm. The...
Jul 11, 2014
By Noey Jacobson
It’s a Beautiful Day to Be Under Attack
Dear Friends, It’s true, we are under attack here in Israel. As a matter of fact, I have an app on my phone that tells me every time there is a...
Jul 10, 2014
By Shimon Apisdorf
The Cheapest Tefillin in the World
The Cheapest Tefillin in the World
Rabbi Yossi Malka always revered his father, Dovid, a popular caterer in Crown Heights who always made sure to give away any extra food his store made to the poor. Before...
Jul 9, 2014
By OU Staff
It’s Over: Now What?
I don’t think there’s been a similar experience to the one we just endured as a people. In recent memory, we’ve been through bombings, shootings, rocket fire, wars, and a kidnapping...
Jul 7, 2014
By Rabbi Eliyahu Fink
I Honestly Do Not Know Where to Start –...
I honestly do not know where to start. Driving to the airport on Wednesday afternoon, I was filled with sadness and incredibly broken spirits. I have never been so sad to...
Jul 4, 2014
By Rabbi Shay Shachter
“Ema, Was it Very Meaningful?”
“Ema, Was it Very Meaningful?”
My sister in law, Shayna Goldberg, who lives in Alon Shvut near where the boys were kidnapped, shared her reflections upon attending the tragic funeral for Eyal, Naftali and Gil-ad z’l...
Jul 3, 2014
By Rabbi Efrem Goldberg
Eyal, Gilad, Naftali—The Daf on Crisis Response
Eyal, Gilad, Naftali—The Daf on Crisis Response
Together with the entire Jewish people and all people of decency and good will, we were shocked and horrified to learn of the vicious murders of the three boys on whose...
Jul 2, 2014
By Rabbi Daniel Z. Feldman
In Memoriam Eyal, Gilad and Naftali
In Memoriam Eyal, Gilad and Naftali
This past Shabbat we read the parsha of Chukkat with its almost incomprehensible commandment of the red heifer whose ashes mixed with “living water” purified those who had been in contact...
Jul 1, 2014
By Britain's Former Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks

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